
Scottish islands: data overview 2023

This report gives a snapshot of Scotland's island-level data as collated in the new Scottish Islands Data Dashboard and draws out key findings relating to each of the strategic objective topic areas set out in the National Islands Plan.

10 Environment and Biosecurity

Recycling rates are generally low across the Scottish islands Local Authorities.

10.1 Greenspace

Over 90% of residents across all of the Scottish island groups agreed that they had access to blue or green spaces within a 5 minute walk from their home, compared to only 56% of adults across Scotland, according to the Scottish Household Survey. Greenspaces are a vital part of the landscape. Having easy access to quality greenspace can improve people's quality of life by increasing neighbourhood satisfaction, promoting mental and physical health (including through its association with increased physical activity), and reducing health inequalities.

10.2 Recycling

Recycling rates are generally low in each Scottish island Local Authority (with the exception of North Ayrshire) when compared to the rest of Scotland. Additionally, every island local authority (with the exception of North Ayrshire) has a higher carbon impact from waste than the Scottish Average.

Graph: Percentage of Waste Recycled
Graph showing percentage of waste recycled. The highest rate is 56% in North Ayrshire Council. The lowest is in the Shetland Islands at 17%.

Source: Household Waste Data, Scottish Environment Protection Agency (2021)



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