
Scottish islands: data overview 2023

This report gives a snapshot of Scotland's island-level data as collated in the new Scottish Islands Data Dashboard and draws out key findings relating to each of the strategic objective topic areas set out in the National Islands Plan.

6 Housing

A larger proportion of housing stock in island local authorities is energy inefficient than the Scottish average. Six out of ten Islanders think there is not enough housing available to meet local demand. House prices are highest in the Highland Islands followed by the Argyll Islands.

6.1 Energy Efficiency

With the exception of North Ayrshire, every island Local Authority has a much larger proportion of energy inefficient properties than the Scottish average*. For instance, Orkney has amongst the highest proportion of F or G rated dwellings (17%) compared to 4% in Scotland overall. Low energy efficiency results in homes being more expensive to heat and increases the risk of fuel poverty.

6.2 Second Homes

The Scottish islands contain 2% of Scotland's total dwellings, but 17% of Scotland’s second homes. 17% of all homes in Arran, Bute and the Cumbraes are second homes.

% of Dwellings with an Energy Efficiency Rating (SAP 2012) of F or G
Graph showing % of dwellings with an Energy Efficiency Rating (SAP 2012) of F or G.

Source: Scottish House Conditions Survey: Local Authority Analysis 2017-2019, Scottish Government (2021). *Note: characteristics of the housing stock in an area can affect energy efficiency. For instance, detached houses and housing off the gas grid are more common in island areas and more likely to be F and G rated.

6.3 Housing Availability and House Building

Six out of ten Islanders think there is not enough housing available to meet local demand. On average, 44% of Islanders disagree that there is affordable housing in their local area however views differ significantly between island groups. Island house prices are increasing as they are in the Scottish mainland. House prices are highest in the Highland Islands followed by the Argyll Islands. Of all the island local authorities, new build housing completions were highest in 2021 in the Highland Local Authority area. It should be noted that only 5% of population of Highland Local Authority area are islanders. Within the six Scottish local authorities containing islands, 2,331 new homes were built in 2022.

Local authority all sector new build completions

  • Argyll and Bute - 160
  • Highland - 1367
  • North Ayrshire - 480
  • Nan Eilean Siar - 168
  • Orkney - 79
  • Shetland - 70

Source: Housing statistics quarterly update: new housebuilding and affordable housing supply - (



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