Scottish Islands Survey 2023: main findings report

This report summarises key findings of the Scottish Islands Survey (2023), which gathered views about different aspects of island life from Scottish island residents. The results will contribute to measuring progress towards the objectives set out in the National Islands Plan (2019).

Annex 1: Secondary data sources

National Records of Scotland 2023-2 Scottish Postcode Directory Files: Postcode Index. Contains NRS data © Crown copyright and database right [2023]

Scottish Government GI-SAT Scottish Island Regions Lookups 2023. Copyright Scottish Government, contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right (2023).

National Records of Scotland Island – Scotland. Copyright National Records of Scotland, contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right (2023).

National Records of Scotland Population estimates of data zones by single year of age, mid-2021. © Crown Copyright 2022. Data supplied by National Records of Scotland

National Records of Scotland Population Estimates of Scottish Island Regions (2011 Data Zone based). © Crown Copyright 2023. Data supplied by National Records of Scotland.

National Records of Scotland 2011 census table data: Output Area 2011 - Table LC1117SC. © Crown Copyright. Data supplied by National Records of Scotland

Software acknowledgements

Note: versions of software and ‘packages’ cited as of July 2024: earlier versions may have been used during the analysis.

Posit Software, PBC (2024) RStudio 2024.04.2 Build 764. Posit Software, PBC.

R Core Team (2024). R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria.

Ooms J (2023). _writexl: Export Data Frames to Excel 'xlsx' Format_. R package version 1.4.2,

Wickham H, Bryan J (2023). _readxl: Read Excel Files_. R package version 1.4.3,

Pebesma, E., & Bivand, R. (2023). Spatial Data Science: With Applications in R. Chapman and Hall/CRC.

Pebesma, E., 2018. Simple Features for R: Standardized Support for Spatial Vector Data. The R Journal 10 (1), 439-446,

Dorman M (2023). _nngeo: k-Nearest Neighbor Join for Spatial Data_. R package version 0.4.7,

Heinzen E, Sinnwell J, Atkinson E, Gunderson T, Dougherty G (2021). _arsenal: An Arsenal of 'R' Functions for Large-Scale Statistical Summaries_. R package version 3.6.3,

Kaplan J (2023). _fastDummies: Fast Creation of Dummy (Binary) Columns and Rows from Categorical Variables_. R package version 1.7.3,

Wickham H, François R, Henry L, Müller K, Vaughan D (2023). _dplyr: A Grammar of Data Manipulation_. R package version 1.1.2,

Tennekes M (2018). “tmap: Thematic Maps in R.” _Journal of Statistical Software_, *84*(6), 1-39. doi:10.18637/jss.v084.i06

Daniel Adler, S. Thomas Kelly, Tom Elliott, and Jordan Adamson (2024). vioplot: violin plot. R package version 0.5.0

Spatial data acknowledgements (Figure 1)

Office for National Statistics Countries (December 2023) Boundaries UK BFC. Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right [2024]

Scottish Government Scottish Island Regions. Copyright Scottish Government, contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right (2024)

Central Statistics Office, Ireland Provinces. Copyright of the Government of Ireland, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 ( [Note: geographies reprojected and merged]



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