
Scottish justice: additional analyses

This publication collates a number of additional analyses by justice analysts at the Scottish Government.

These analyses include reconviction rates following a conviction for domestic abuse, more detailed age breakdowns of convictions for young people, and a web app that allows a user to investigate trends over time in the age and gender breakdowns of the criminal proceedings conviction data.

These statistics are used internally by the Scottish Government and during stakeholder engagement to inform policy development. The Code of Practice for Statistics says that statistics producers must provide free and equal access to regular and ad-hoc official statistics. As these additional analyses will be of considerable interest to a wide range of users, we have collected them here for public access.

These additional analyses are based on previously published national statistics, but provide new subgroup breakdowns, or more detail on specific topics of particular interest to stakeholders and policy makers.

Domestic abuse reconvictions statistics

These statistics present reconviction rates and average number of convictions per offender following convictions for domestic abuse and non-domestic abuse crimes. The types of reconviction are also broken down by reconvictions for domestic abuse and non-domestic abuse crimes.

The domestic abuse crimes and offences that are counted are those marked with domestic abuse indicator. For example, a common assault conviction against a partner would be given a domestic abuse indicator in the Criminal History System and counted in these figures.

These reconviction figures are presented by year, gender, age, disposal, and crime.

Key messages from these statistics include:

  • 8.8% of offenders convicted of a domestic abuse crime in 2015-16 were reconvicted for a further domestic abuse crime. This is a decrease of 0.7 percentage points from 2014-15
  • offenders convicted of a domestic abuse crime were more likely to be reconvicted for a non-domestic abuse crime than a further domestic abuse crime in 2015-16

These statistics are available in the Domestic Abuse Reconvictions spreadsheet below.

These statistics are an additional analysis of the data used to produce the Reconviction Rates in Scotland: 2015-2016 Offender Cohort National Statistics. This publication contains a wide range of reconviction statistics and has further details about the methodology for counting reconvictions.

Youth justice statistics

10 April 2019: an error in the original version of these tables meant that some cases that were not proceeded against in court were included in the total numbers. This error has now been rectified.

Criminal Proceedings data currently provides information on those aged under 21 proceeded against in Scotland’s courts. This further analysis breaks age down into smaller age groups which will be of greater interest to those involved in policy and practice relating to Children and Young People.

The three breakdowns presented are:

  • number of people proceeded by age and Local Authority, 2013-14 to 2017-18
  • people proceeded against in court by age, main crime/offence and outcome of court proceedings, 2013-14 to 2017-18
  • people 12-17 years of age receiving Non Court Disposals, 2013-14 to 2017-18

These statistics are available in the youth convictions 2017-18 spreadsheet below.

More information about criminal proceedings in Scotland is available.

Age-crime curves for convictions in Scotland

This interactive tool allows users to explore trends in convictions in Scotland’s courts from 1989-90 to 2017-18. The app presents age crime curves broken down by crime type and also by gender and enables the user to study how the age and gender profile of those convicted of specific crimes evolved over the last 29 years.

The associated paper highlights some of the more interesting changes over time with illustrative animated charts.

The following links provide access to the app and the paper:

Domestic abuse reconvictions
Youth convictions 2017-18


For enquiries about this publication please contact:
Justice Analytical Services
Telephone: 0131 244 3040,

For general enquiries about Scottish Government statistics please contact:

Office of the Chief Statistician,
Telephone: 0131 244 0442,

You may use or re-use this information (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence.

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