
Scottish Languages Bill: island communities impact assessment

Island communities impact assessment for the Scottish Languages Bill. This is legislation to advance the status of, and provision for, the Gaelic and Scots languages.

Step Three – Consultation

Is there information already gathered through previous engagements?

As stated above, this Bill is the product of consultation with the public and key stakeholders from both Gaelic and Scots communities. The consultation endeavoured to engage island as well as mainland communities through a series of in-person and online events

How will you carry out your consultation and in what timescales? Public meetings/Local Authorities/key Stakeholders

As above the consultation was carried out between August and December 2022.This was further informed by the Report of the Short Life Working Group on Economic and Social Opportunities for Gaelic.

What information has already been gathered through consultations and what concerns have been raised previously by island communities?

Following the public consultation carried out between August and December 2022, independent analysis was prepared of these responses and published in June 2023. The Short Life Working Group on Economic and Social Opportunities for Gaelic provided an additional, wide-ranging, overview of island community concerns.

Is your consultation robust and meaningful and sufficient to comply with the Section 7 duty?




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