Councillors' remuneration and expenses recommendations: SG response

Scottish Local Authorities Remuneration Committee (SLARC) was asked to review the remuneration of all Councillors and consider whether the present levels of remuneration, for ordinary and senior Councillors, were appropriate for the current context. This report sets out the Scottish Government's response to the recommendations.


24. The Scottish Government is content to accept the pay and banding changes recommended by SLARC and will introduce regulations early in 2025 to put these into effect from 1 April 2025.

25. Local authorities are responsible for paying Councillor salaries and expenses from their annual budgets and the Scottish Government does not provide funding specifically to meet these costs. As such it is for local government to fund the salary changes and increases associated with these recommendations.

26. We will continue to work collaboratively with COSLA over the coming period to ensure the successful implementation of the recommendations and to take forward any further work required.



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