
Scottish Local Government Finance 'Green Book' 2022-23

Scottish Local Government Finance Settlement 2022-23: Funding Allocation Formula.

Early Learning & Childcare

Settlement: 2022-23

Quantum: 996,685

Category: GAE

Note 1: merger of eight previous pre-school lines

Note 2: Modelling for this support line uses a number of different indicators for client count, deprivation and rurality. See Supplementary Tables

Note 3: Data taken from Pre-school Census (Sept 2021), Children in low income families (DWP 2019-20 data), SIMD, and 2011 census estimates of rurality.

indicators weighted client numbers Effect 1 (£000s) weighted deprivation numbers Effect 2 (£000s) centres in areas of high SIMD Effect 3 (£000s) weighted rurality count Effect 4 (£000s) 2021-22 allocation for transition Share GAE (£000s)
Aberdeen City 3,628 28,604 738 5,356 6 248 7 22 42,698 4% 39,209
Aberdeenshire 4,946 38,997 724 5,259 6 248 2,433 8,194 54,812 5% 53,252
Angus 1,896 14,953 523 3,794 3 124 488 1,642 20,340 2% 20,080
Argyll & Bute 1,248 9,842 285 2,071 3 124 515 1,735 16,302 2% 15,205
City of Edinburgh 7,913 62,387 1,529 11,097 20 828 90 302 82,948 8% 78,875
Clackmannanshire 976 7,693 319 2,319 7 290 100 338 9,590 1% 9,790
Dumfries & Galloway 2,356 18,578 696 5,056 10 414 868 2,925 24,932 3% 25,223
Dundee City 2,579 20,332 777 5,641 21 869 11 37 29,243 3% 27,999
East Ayrshire 2,349 18,518 881 6,396 15 621 587 1,975 24,400 3% 25,056
East Dunbartonshire 2,072 16,334 310 2,250 2 83 71 239 19,250 2% 18,834
East Lothian 1,969 15,528 409 2,971 3 124 457 1,539 21,776 2% 20,898
East Renfrewshire 1,911 15,064 272 1,976 1 41 48 163 14,626 2% 15,270
Falkirk 2,842 22,408 751 5,452 8 331 241 811 32,204 3% 30,634
Fife 6,552 51,660 2,012 14,609 28 1,159 903 3,040 67,869 7% 67,676
Glasgow City 10,929 86,170 3,812 27,675 112 4,634 86 290 114,211 11% 113,947
Highland 3,953 31,171 921 6,685 6 248 1,592 5,360 47,849 5% 45,641
Inverclyde 1,308 10,312 418 3,034 8 331 6 22 15,266 1% 14,505
Midlothian 2,089 16,473 455 3,306 3 124 351 1,181 22,668 2% 21,786
Moray 1,522 11,996 372 2,700 2 83 541 1,821 18,946 2% 17,868
Na h-Eileanan Siar 422 3,326 89 648 1 41 282 951 5,666 1% 5,344
North Ayrshire 2,266 17,869 782 5,676 24 993 171 575 25,536 3% 24,996
North Lanarkshire 6,244 49,227 1,872 13,591 40 1,655 622 2,093 68,091 7% 66,520
Orkney Islands 349 2,755 56 406 1 41 219 739 4,471 0% 4,224
Perth & Kinross 2,365 18,646 566 4,112 2 83 1,023 3,444 26,405 3% 25,953
Renfrewshire 3,372 26,587 985 7,154 26 1,076 174 586 36,757 4% 35,732
Scottish Borders 1,848 14,571 462 3,354 3 124 877 2,955 22,961 2% 21,950
Shetland Islands 413 3,254 59 427 1 41 311 1,047 5,646 1% 5,266
South Ayrshire 1,841 14,515 547 3,970 12 497 404 1,359 18,299 2% 18,694
South Lanarkshire 5,967 47,043 1,520 11,032 26 1,076 486 1,636 58,106 6% 58,092
Stirling 1,490 11,744 346 2,509 5 207 561 1,891 19,253 2% 17,986
West Dunbartonshire 1,644 12,961 586 4,254 11 455 9 32 17,526 2% 17,311
West Lothian 3,551 27,996 904 6,560 19 786 264 890 31,937 3% 32,870
Total 94,809 747,514 24,979 181,337 435 18,000 14,797 49,834 1,020,585 100% 996,685
weights 75.0% 18.2% 1.8% 5.0%



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