Scottish local government finance - Green Book: 2023-2024

Scottish Local Government Finance Settlement 2023-24: Funding Allocation Formula.

4 Guide to the Tables

The first set of tables shows broad service level totals (i.e. education, social work, roads and transport etc.) for 2023-24.

The second set shows the 2023-24 calculations by sub-service heading. For each service heading all indicators are shown and indicator notes, definitions and sources are brought together to allow as much detail as possible in a single place, and under a single heading. Table notes may refer to Supplementary Tables where further background data have been used in the construction of a particular indicator (for example population adjustments and construction of the composite indices). Individual lines have been re-ordered since last year to place lines for similar client-groups together, in particular the relevant redeterminations and former ring-fenced grants that were previously given in a separate section.

The final set shows similar 2023-24 calculations for the Capital Grant. These tables are also available in the excel spreadsheet.

An excel spreadsheet version of the tables which contains formulas showing the calculations is available online at the following link.



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