Scottish Local Government Finance Statistics 2023-24

Annual publication providing a comprehensive overview of financial activity of Scottish local authorities in 2023-24 based on authorities' audited accounts (where available).

9. Annex B: Local Authority Joint Board Membership

Please note that Helensburgh and Lomond are part of SPT, while the rest of Argyll & Bute is part of HITRANS.

Council Valuation Joint Board (VJB) Regional Transport Partnership (RTP)
Aberdeen City Grampian NESTRANS
Aberdeenshire Grampian NESTRANS
Angus Tayside TACTRAN
Argyll & Bute Dunbartonshire & Argyll & Bute SPT / HITRANS
City of Edinburgh Lothian SESTRAN
Clackmannanshire Central SESTRAN
Dumfries & Galloway Dumfries & Galloway SWESTRANS
Dundee City Tayside TACTRAN
East Ayrshire Ayrshire SPT
East Dunbartonshire Dunbartonshire & Argyll & Bute SPT
East Lothian Lothian SESTRAN
East Renfrewshire Renfrewshire SPT
Falkirk Central SESTRAN
Glasgow City Glasgow SPT
Highland Highland & Western Isles HITRANS
Inverclyde Renfrewshire SPT
Midlothian Lothian SESTRAN
Moray Grampian HITRANS
Na h-Eileanan Siar Highland & Western Isles HITRANS
North Ayrshire Ayrshire SPT
North Lanarkshire Lanarkshire SPT
Orkney Islands Orkney & Shetland HITRANS
Perth & Kinross Tayside TACTRAN
Renfrewshire Renfrewshire SPT
Scottish Borders Borders SESTRAN
Shetland Islands Orkney & Shetland ZetTrans
South Ayrshire Ayrshire SPT
South Lanarkshire Lanarkshire SPT
Stirling Central TACTRAN
West Dunbartonshire Dunbartonshire & Argyll & Bute SPT
West Lothian Lothian SESTRAN



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