Scottish Local Government Finance Statistics (SLGFS) 2020-21
Annual publication providing a comprehensive overview of financial activity of Scottish local authorities in 2020-21 based on authorities' audited accounts.
Annex C: Calculation of the 2020-21 NDR Distributable Amount, £ millions
Please note that PCA = Provisional Contributable Amount; and SFC = Scottish Fiscal Commission.
Balance brought forward 31/03/2019 as per Non Domestic Rating Account 2018-19 | 23,821 |
Closing Balance | 23,821 |
Final Balance brought forward 31/03/2019 | |
Opening Balance | 23,821 |
Add: PCA 2019-20 (actual) | 2,890,168 |
Less: Distributable Amount 2019-20 | 2,853,000 |
37,168 | |
60,989 | |
Reconciliation of 2018-19 | |
Add: Audited Amount 2018-19 (actual) | 2,846,547 |
Less: Notified PCA 2018-19 (actual) | 2,882,664 |
-36,118 | |
24,871 | |
Reconciliation of 2017-18 | |
Add: Audited Amount 2017-18 (in 2018-19 account) | - |
Less: Notified Amount 2017-18 (in 2018-19 account) | - |
- | |
24,871 | |
Closing Balance for 2019-20 | 24,871 |
Balance brought forward 31/03/2020 | |
Opening Balance | 24,871 |
Actual PCA 2020-21 | 1,916,327 |
Estimated reconciliation of 2019-20 | |
Add: Mid-Year Estimate 2019-20 (SFC) | 2,844,078 |
Less: PCA 2019-20 | 2,890,168 |
-46,090 | |
Estimated movement on Pool 2020-21 | 1,870,238 |
Net balance on 2019-20 Pool inc. balance b/f at 31/03/2020 | 1,895,108 |
Less: Distributable Amount for 2020-21 | 1,868,030 |
Estimated balance at 31/03/2021 | 27,078 |
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