Scottish Local Government Financial Statistics 2010-11

A comprehensive overview of Local Authority financial activity

ANNEX E - Detailed Analysis of Capital Receipts, 2010-11

£ thousands
Sale & Disposal of fixed assets
Education 18,822
Pre-primary education 489
Primary education 3,997
Secondary education 13,833
Special education 7
Community Learning 496
Cultural and related services 12,013
Tourism 63
Recreation and Sport 11,506
Libraries 147
Museums and art galleries 150
Other culture and heritage 147
Social work 2,026
Children 204
Older people 1,365
Adults with learning disabilities 63
Adults with mental health needs 307
Other Adults Services 87
Police and fire 3,834
Police 2,968
Fire 866
Roads and transport 913
Roads 774
Network and traffic management 20
Bridges 18
Parking Services 73
Rail 24
Other Public Transport 4
Environmental services 799
Crematoria and burial grounds 19
Coast protection -
Flood prevention 8
Environmental Health 105
Waste collection and disposal 667
Planning and economic development 17,901
Planning -
Environmental Initiatives 19
Economic development 17,882
Non-HRA Housing 453
Trading Services 1,082
Fishery Harbours, Markets, Commercial Ports, Piers & Harbours 1,082
Shipping, Airports, Transport Piers & Ferry Terminals -
Toll Bridges -
Other Services 18,613
Total General Fund Services 76,456
Housing Revenue Account 65,515
All services 141,971


Email: Bruce Golding

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