Scottish Local Government Financial Statistics 2013-14

Scottish Local Government Financial Statistics is an annual publication that provides a comprehensive overview of Scottish Local Authority financial activity. The publication covers Local Authority income, revenue and capital expenditure, outstanding debt, local taxation and Local Authority pensions.

ANNEX J - Capital Receipts by Service, 2013-14

£ thousands
Sale & Disposal of fixed assets
Education 13,798
Pre-primary education 442
Primary education 11,367
Secondary education 1,344
Special education 437
Community Learning 208
Cultural and related services 3,574
Tourism 2
Recreation and Sport 2,383
Libraries 913
Museums and art galleries 2
Other culture and heritage 274
Social work 2,632
Children 571
Older people 1,144
Adults with mental health needs 3
Adults with learning disabilities 4
Other Adults Services 910
Roads and transport 1,742
Roads 962
Network and traffic management 307
Bridges 110
Parking Services 29
Rail 1
Other Public Transport 333
Environmental services 1,378
Crematoria and burial grounds 18
Coast protection 0
Flood prevention 63
Environmental Health 415
Waste collection and disposal 882
Planning and Development Services 58,276
Planning 829
Environmental Initiatives 31
Economic development 57,416
Central Services 28,128
Non-HRA Housing 198
Trading Services 6
Fishery Harbours, Markets, Commercial Ports, Piers & Harbours 6
Shipping, Airports, Transport Piers & Ferry Terminals 0
Toll Bridges 0
Total General Fund Services 109,732
Housing Revenue Account 53,529
All services 163,261


Email: Euan Smith

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