
Scottish local government financial statistics 2016-2017

Annual publication providing a comprehensive overview of Scottish local authority financial activity.

4. Reserves

Revenue reserves reflect an accumulation of surplus income. These are used to finance future spending on services. The surplus or deficit on the provision of service is laid out in Table 1.1. Movements into a reserve are shown in brackets and movements out are shown without brackets in the following table.

On 1 April 2016 local authorities had total revenue reserves of £1.91 billion. Over the course of the year, total reserves increased by £23 million (1.2%) to £1.93 billion on 31 March 2017. Capital reserves decreased by £46 million (-7.3%), from £627 million to £581 million.

Table 4.1 – Movements in Reserves by Account, 2016-17 (£thousands)

  (a) (b) (c) (d)=(b)+(c) (e)=(a)+(d)
Level of Reserves held 1 April 2016 (Surplus) or Deficit on provision of services Movement between Revenue Reserves (Increase) or Decrease Level of Reserves held 31 March 2017
Revenue Reserves
General Fund (1,225,083) 55,451 (8,069) 47,382 (1,177,701)
Housing Revenue Account (154,909) (19,429) 4,899 (14,530) (169,439)
Harbour Account (269,463) (45,537) 2,754 (42,783) (312,246)
Renewal and Repairs (162,528) 0 (8,549) (8,549) (171,077)
Insurance Fund (85,316) 0 1,468 1,468 (83,848)
Other Statutory Funds (13,962) 0 (5,763) (5,763) (19,725)
Total Revenue Reserves (1,911,261) (9,515) (13,260) (22,775) (1,934,036)
Capital Reserves
Capital Fund (518,059) 42,469 6,853 49,322 (468,737)
Capital Receipts (58,585) (14,966) 6,407 (8,559) (67,144)
Capital Grants Unapplied (50,067) 5,104 0 5,104 (44,963)
Total Capital Reserves (626,711) 32,607 13,260 45,867 (580,844)
Total Usable Reserves (2,537,972) 23,092 0 23,092 (2,514,880)

Source: Local Financial Returns ( LFR23)


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