
Marine and Freshwater Science: index of reports

Index of the contents of all volumes of Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science published since 2010.

Note: All pre-2012 publications will redirect to our archive
Title of report Author(s) Volume & Number Date
Scoping Study for Offshore Wind Farm Development Davies, I., Watret, R. 2(13) 2011

Determination and environmental assessment of hydrocarbons in water, fish and sediment following an oil spill at the Gannet oil field

Webster, L., Hussy, I., Craig, A., Russell, M., Packer, G., Dalgarno, E.J., Moore, D.C. & Moffat, C.F. 2(12)


Crab and lobster fisheries in Scotland:- results of stock assessments 2006 - 2008

Mesquita, C., Dobby, H. & McLay, A. 2(11)


A report on the effectiveness of cage-level and farm level fallowing for the control of diseases (BKD and sleeping disease) on large cage-based trout farms in Scotland

Wallace, I.S., Munro, L.A., Kilburn, R., Hall, M., Black, J., Raynard, R.S. & Murray, A.G. 2(10) 2011

The Scottish Industry-Science Anglerfish Tallybook Scheme

Dobby, H. & Allan, L. 2(9)


Variation in the results of hydroacoustic surveys of Scottish lochs: the importance of season, diurnal timing and fish species assemblage Godfrey, J.D. & Thorne, A.E. 2(8)


Hydroacoustic surveys of five Scottish lochs Godfrey, J.D., Thorne, A.E. & Youngson, A.F. 2(7)


300, 600 and 800mm diamond mesh belly panels in demersal whitefish trawl fisheries

Kynoch, R.J., O'Neill, F.G. & Summerbell, K. 2(6) 2011

45 mm flexible grids in a Scottish Nephrops fishery

Drewery, J., Pirie, J., Mair, J., Edridge, A., Kynoch, R.J. & O'Neill, F.G. 2(5) 2011

35 and 40 mm Swedish grids in a Scottish Nephrops trawl fishery

Drewery, J., Main, J., Edridge, A. & O'Neill, F.G. 2(4) 2011

Bacterial kidney disease: assessment of risk to Atlantic salmon farms from infection in trout farms and other sources

Murray, A.G., Munro, L.A., Wallace, I.S., Peeler, E.J. & Thrush, M.A. 2(3) 2011

Quantitative analysis of the distribution and abundance of the burrowing megafauna and large epifauna community in the Fladen fishing ground, northern North Sea

Greathead, C., Demain, D., Dobby, H., Allan, L. & Weetman, A. 2(2) 2011
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