
Marine and Freshwater Science: index of reports

Index of the contents of all volumes of Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science published since 2010.

Title Author(s) Vol(No)

Scottish Scallop Stocks - Results of 2011 Assessments

Dobby, H., Millar, S., Blackadder, L., Turriff, J. and McLay, A. 3(10)

Data Mining of the Nephrops Survey Database to Support the Scottish MPA Project

Allan, L., Demain, D., Weetman, A., Dobby, H. and McLay, A. 3(9)

Catch comparison trials with the Faithlie Cod Avoidance Panel (FCAP)

Kynoch, R.J., Edridge, A. and O'Neill, F.G. 3(8)

Scallop Abundance in the Lamlash Bay No Take Zone - A Baseline Study

Boulcott, P., McLay, H.A., Allan, L. and Clarke, S. 3(7)

Development of a GIS based Aquaculture Decision Support Tool (ADST) to determine the potential benthic impacts associated with the expansion of salmon farming in Scottish sea lochs

Greathead, C., Guirey, E. and Rabe, B. 3(6)

SOTEAG Rocky Shore Monitoring Programme. TBT Contamination in Sullom Voe, Shetland. 2011 Dogwhelk Survey

Gubbins, M.J. 3(5)

The distribution of zooplankton prey of forage fish in the Firth of Forth area, east coast of Scotland

Gomez Garcia, G., Demain, D., Drewery, H. and Gallego, A. 3(4)
Clyde Ecosystem Review                                                                                                                          McIntyre, F., Fernandes, P. and Turrell, W.R. 3(3)
Scoping study for offshore wave energy development in Scottish waters Davies, I.M., Gubbins, M. and Watret, R. 3(2)
Scoping study for tidal stream energy devlopment in Scottish waters Davies, I.M., Gubbins, M. and Watret, R. 3(1)
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