
Marine and Freshwater Science: index of reports

Index of the contents of all volumes of Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science published since 2010.

Title Author(s) Vol (No)

Genetic Assignment of Marine-Caught Adult Salmon at Armadale to Region of Origin

Cauwelier, E., Gilbey, J. and Middlemas, S.J. 6(16)

Spatial dynamics of scallops in relation to the Orkney dive fishery. Report of Fishing Industry Science Alliance (FISA) Project 03/12

Bell, M.C. & Matheson, F. 6(15)

Developing an avian collision risk model to incorporate variability and uncertainty

Masden, E. 6(14)

A multidisciplinary approach to collection and use of VMS data from an inshore scallop fishery

Shelmerdine, R.L. and Leslie, B. 6(13)

The demography of a phenotypically mixed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) population as discerned for an eastern Scottish river

Gurney, W.S.C., Bacon, P.J., Malcolm, I.A., MacLean, J.C. and Youngson, A.F. 6(12)

Measurement of contaminants in food for Marine Strategy Framework Directive Descriptor 9

Webster, L., Mackay, Z.L., Robinson and C.D., Fryer, R.J. 6(11)

At-Sea Turnover of Breeding Seabirds - Final Report to Marine Scotland Science

Searle, K., Butler, A., Mobbs, D., Bogdanova, M., Wanless, S., Bolton, M. and Daunt, F. 6(10)

Behavioural Responses of Atlantic Salmon to Mains Frequency Magnetic Fields

Armstrong, J.D., Hunter, D-C., Fryer, R.J., Rycroft, P. and Orpwood, J. 6(9)

Effects of AC Magnetic Fields (MFs) on Swimming Activity in European Eels Anguilla anguilla

Orpwood, J., Fryer, R.J., Rycroft, P. and Armstrong, J.D. 6(8)

Collection of bycatch data for spurdog (Squalus acanthias) in the North Minch fishery: Report of Fishing Industry Science Alliance (FISA) Project 02/13

Fox, C. 6(7)

Development of a Model for Predicting Large Scale Spatio-Temporal Variability in Juvenile Fish Abundance from Electrofishing Data

Millar, C.P., Millidine, K.J., Middlemas, S.J. and Malcolm, I.A. 6(6)

Ranching to the rod: an evaluation of adult returns from hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon smolts released in Scottish rivers

D. C. Stewart, S. McKelvey and J. D. Armstrong 6(5)

A mapping study of the overlap of potential Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) habitat and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) distribution in Scotland

Armstrong, J.D., Anderson, H.L., Dugan, S.L., Gardiner, R. 6(4)

Effects of Codend Mesh Size and Twine Number on Nephrops Selectivity: Report of Fishing Industry Science Alliance (FISA) Project 03/13

Drewery, J., Edridge, A., Kinghorn, M., Kynoch, R.J., Mair, J., O'Neill, F.G. and Summerbell, K. 6(3)

Spatio-temporal variability in Scottish smolt emigration times and sizes

Malcolm, I.A., Millar, C.P. and Millidine, K.J. 6(2)

Loch Linnhe and Firth of Lorn MASTS Case Study Workshop Report

Berx, B., Gallego, A., Heath, M. and the MASTS Community
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