
Marine and Freshwater Science: index of reports

Index of the contents of all volumes of Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science published since 2010.

Vol (No.)

Estimating Seabird Flight Height Using LiDAR   

A S C P Cook, R M Ward, W S Hansen and L Larsen 9(14)

Impact of Trawling on the Benthos Around Oil and Gas Pipelines   

M Harrald, P J Hayes and M Hall 9(13)

Selecting a Bath Treatment for the Marine Carpet Sea Squirt Didemnum vexillum, Kott 2002 in Scottish Shellfish Aquaculture   

W R Turrell, C D Robinson, I Matejusova, L Brown, M Gubbins, G Hermann and J Graham 9(12)

The Marine Invasive Non-Native Species Didemnum vexillum: Survey of intertidal and shallow sub-tidal artificial infrastructure in Loch Creran   

L Brown, M Gubbins, D Donnan and J Dodd 9(11)

The Marine Invasive Non-Native Species Didemnum vexillum: Loch Creran Surveys - Ocotber 2016

L Brown, W R Turrell, J Graham, M Gubbins, G Hermann, J-P Lacaze, and I Matejusova 9(10)

The Marine Invasive Non-Native Species Didemnum vexillum: Loch Creran Surveys - September 2016​

W R Turrell, L Brown and A Mayes 9(9)

Finding out the Fate of Displaced Birds

K R Searle, D C Mobbs, A Butler, R W Furness, M N Trinder and F Daunt 9(8)

Short-Term Behavioural Responses of Wintering Waterbirds to Marine Activity: Quantifying the Sensitivity of Waterbird Species during the Non-Breeding Season to Marine Activities in Orkney and the Western Isles

D Jarrett, A S C P Cook, I Woodward, K Ross, C Horswill, D Dadam and E M Humphreys 9(7)

Using historic tag data to infer the geographic range of salmon river stocks likely to be taken by a coastal fishery   

H Downie, N Hanson, G Smith, S J Middlemas, J Anderson, D Tulett & H Anderson 9(6)

Application of acoustic tagging, satellite tracking and genetics to assess the mixed stock nature of coastal net fisheries   

J D Armstrong, N R Gauld, J Gilbey & D J Morris 9(5)

Scottish Ocean Climate Status Report 2016

S L Hughes, J Hindson, B Berx, A Gallego & W R Turrell 9(4)

Report on razor clam surveys in the Sound of Harris and the Ayrshire coast of the Clyde (Girvan to North Bay)

C Fox
S J Sangiuliano
P Hayes
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