
Marine and Freshwater Science: index of reports

Index of the contents of all volumes of Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science published since 2010.

Title Author(s) Vol (No.)
Seabird Survey Designs for the East Coast of Scotland C R Donovan & B A R Caneco 11(19)
Automated Identification of Fish and Other Aquatic Life in Underwater Video S Blowers, J Evans and K McNally 11 (18)
The Status of Sabellaria spinulosa Reef off the Moray Firth and Aberdeenshire Coasts and Guidance for Conservation of the Species off the Scottish East Coast B Pearce & J Kimber 11(17)
The Thermal Environment of an Inter-tidal Pacific Oyster Farm W R Turrell, E Dalgarno, G Hermann, J Graham, J-P Lacaze and B Rabe 11(15)
Review Of Demographic Parameters And Sensitivity Analysis To Inform Inputs And Outputs Of Population Consequences Of Disturbance Assessments For Marine Mammals

R R Sinclair, C E Sparling and J Harwood

Improving estimates of seabird body mass survival relationships F Daunt, Z Fang, R Howells, M Harris, S Wanless, K Searle and D Elston 11(13)
Regional baselines for marine mammal knowledge across the North Sea and Atlantic areas of Scottish waters E L Hague, R R Sinclair and C E Sparling 11(12)
Developing marine mammal Dynamic Energy Budget models and their potential for integration into the iPCoD framework J Harwood, C Booth, R Sinclair and E Hague 11(11)
Scoping Study - Regional Population Viability Analysis for Key Bird Species CR/2016/16 Searle, K., Butler, A., Bogdanova, M. and Daunt, F. 11(10)
The National Electrofishing Programme for Scotland (NEPS) 2019 I A Malcolm, K J Millidine, F L Jackson, R S Glover and R J Fryer 11(9)
Attributing seabirds at sea to appropriate breeding colonies and populations (CR/2015/18) Butler, A., Carroll, M., Searle, K., Bolton, M., Waggitt, J., Evans, P., Rehfisch, M., Goddard, B., Brewer, M., Burthe, S. and Daunt, F. 11(8)
Feasibility of Using a High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection Based Method for Analysis of Biliary Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Metabolites from Fish for the UK Clean Seas Environment Monitoring Programme M Campbell, H E B Anderson and L Webster 11(7)
Development of an Analytical Method using Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) to Quantify Hydrocarbons Released into the Environment during an Oil Spill

Cunningham, S., Hermann, G., Webster, L. and Yates, K.

The Marine Invasive Non-Native Species Didemnum vexillum: Loch Creran Survey – September 2019 T Begg, J Graham and I Matejusova 11(5)
Interpretation of sea lice connectivity patterns among Scottish Farm Management Areas B Rabe and A Gallego 11(4)
Blue carbon audit of Scottish waters: Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science J S Porter, W E N Austin, M T Burrows, D Clarke, G Davies, N Kamenos, S Riegel, C Smeaton, C Page, A Want. 11(3)
Re-Evaluating Scotland’s Sedimentary Carbon Stocks: Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Smeaton, C., Austin, W. and Turrell, W.R. 11(2)

A Compendium of Marine Related Carbon Stores, Sequestrations and Emissions: Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science 

Turrell, W.R 11(1)


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