
Scottish Marine Energy Industry Working Group: terms of reference

Terms of reference agreed for the Scottish Marine Energy Industry Working Group.

Name of group

The Scottish Marine Energy Industry Working Group


The Minister for Business, Innovation and Energy Paul Wheelhouse hosted a round table discussion with marine energy industry representatives on 20 December 2016 to discuss recent UK Government energy policy decisions and the impact on the sector. At the meeting, he proposed establishing a new marine energy working group, hosted by the Scottish Government.

Scottish Government officials held a follow up meeting with industry representatives on 9 February 2017 to discuss possible remits for the working group. It was agreed that the new group should focus on Scottish priorities and concentrate on actions that could be delivered at a Scotland level, but continue to work with trade associations to highlight the wider UK opportunity.

Purpose of the group

To ensure Scotland maintains its competitive advantage as the leader in marine energy and remains central to the global development of an industry that will help reduce carbon emissions, enhance energy security and contribute to economic prosperity:

  • provide a platform for technology and project developers, the supply chain, academia and the public sector in Scotland to work together on shared objectives for marine energy
  • agree no more than five industry priorities to secure the future growth of the sector in light of changes in UK Government energy policy, including the forthcoming industrial strategy, and EU exit
  • provide advice to the Scottish Government and its enterprise agencies on future opportunities for developing the sector in Scotland
  • make recommendations on how the Scottish public sector can deliver a more effective pan-Scotland service to the marine energy industry
  • represent the marine energy sector in Scotland at a UK and EU level


Membership of the group is open to:

  • representatives of technology development and project development companies who are developing marine energy projects in Scottish waters
  • representatives of the supply chain with an interest in the marine energy sector
  • relevant renewable energy trade bodies
  • leading academics


  • representatives of the Scottish Government (including Marine Scotland and Crown Estate Scotland) and its enterprise agencies.

Membership will be by invitation and will be initially limited to 15 industry members. New members may be proposed by the group at any time throughout the year, either at meetings or via written communications.

A majority vote will be the decisive factor. Failure to attend three consecutive meetings, unless prevented by illness or unavoidable accident, will result in termination of membership. The group may create subgroups to consider topics that require more detailed analysis.

Lifespan of group

The group will meet for two years (up to eight meetings).


Individual group members are responsible for reporting back on the activities of the group to their colleagues.


Meetings will be held quarterly at Scottish Government or Scottish Enterprise offices in Edinburgh or Glasgow (depending on ministerial diary and room availability).

Meetings will be organised by the Scottish Government and chaired by the Minister for Business, Innovation and Energy. On occasions when the minister is unavailable, a member of the Scottish Government's Emerging Technologies Team will chair. Dial in facilities will be available for those unable to attend in person.

Members of the group are free to generate topics for the agenda and to submit papers for discussion. Meeting papers will be circulated by the Scottish Government a week in advance where possible; and minutes of meetings will be circulated within two weeks where possible.

Non-core members may be invited to meetings in certain circumstances (e.g. to present on topics of interest to the group).

Where group members have timely information to share, this can be passed on electronically in between meetings.


The group will review the value of its work in relation to the terms of reference on an annual basis.

Scottish Energy Advisory Board - terms of reference.pdf


Email: Gordon Patterson

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