
Atlantic salmon - determining run timing proportions: report

Recently, a number of genetic markers associated with run timing was published. This Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science report describes the development and calibration of a panel of twelve of these markers into a tool that could be used to determine run timing proportions in Scottish Atlantic salmon populations.

Marker panel testing

In order to determine the effectiveness of the new twelve SNP panel, its ability to identify the different run components was calculated and compared to that of the original eight significant markers from chromosome Ssa09 used in the verification analysis carried out by Cauwelier et al. (2018).

Details of the fish used in the comparative analysis can be found in Cauwelier et al. (2018). Baseline fish were used as reference individuals, with the different individual river and run timing groups (early v late) retained as separate assignment units. Early and late run timing groups were combined across rivers to create two reporting groups. Individual assignment of each test fish to the baseline run timing reporting groups was then carried out in ONCOR (Kalinowski et al. 2007), with probabilities estimated using the method of Rannala and Mountain (1997).



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