
Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Vol 6 No 5: Ranching to the rod: an evaluation of adult returns from hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon smolts released in Scottish rivers

Report presents recapture data from monitored smolt releases on four Scottish rivers and

compares return rates of hatchery and wild-reared salmon smolts originating from a

common stock on two of these rivers. DOI:


Rod-caught recaptures from hatchery-reared smolts

The release of 90,073 tagged smolts into four river catchments over a twelve year period resulted in 48 tagged adult fish reported caught by anglers in the river of release (Table 1). Most recaptures (42) were caught as 1 SW fish with the remainder (6) caught as two-sea-winter (2 SW) fish (Table 1).

There was considerable variation between rivers and years with the best returns recorded from releases on the Dionard (1992) and Tay (1997), when each rod-caught salmon was generated by the release of c. 450 smolts. In contrast, zero returns were recorded on five occasions on three different rivers (Table 1). Overall, combining both sites and years, each rod-caught fish that was reported required the release of c. 1800 hatchery-reared smolts.

Table 1. Rod-caught recaptures from tagged hatchery-reared smolts released in four Scottish rivers between 1987 and 2000. Recaptures from the Tay are represented by two periods: before (1991-94) and after (1996-98) commercial netting in the river ceased.

River smolt year number stocked recaptures percentage
      1 SW 2 SW  
Lochy 1987 5140 3 0 0.06
Lochy 1988 5184 1 0 0.02
Lochy 1989 4841 0 0 0
  1987-89 15165 4 0 0.03
Dionard 1991 8043 10 1 0.14
Dionard 1992 6462 13 2 0.23
Dionard 1993 5660 0 0 0
Dionard 1994 5743 0 0 0
  1991-94 25908 23 3 0.10
Tay 1991 10460 1 1 0.03
Tay 1992 3140 1 0 0.06
Tay 1993 2120 2 0 0
Tay 1994 2067 0 0 0
  1991-94 17787 4 1 0.03
Tay 1996 3459 4 1 0.17
Tay 1997 1304 3 0 0.23
Tay 1998 3174 2 1 0.13
  1996-98 7937 9 2 0.16
Conon 1999 14145 1 0 0.01
Conon 2000 9131 1 0 0.01
  1999-2000 23276 2 0 0.01

Return rates from comparative releases

The percentage return rates of both wild and ranched salmon smolts differed between years and release sites and therefore are considered as within-year, within-site comparisons (Table 2). In all paired tests wild-reared smolts gave higher return rates than hatchery-reared smolts. In cases where there was at least one returning hatchery-reared fish, the average elevation in survival of wild compared with reared salmon was ten-fold (range 6 to 13-fold).

Table 2. Adult returns from comparative releases of wild and hatchery-reared smolts. Returns on the River Conon were derived from automatic data loggers. Returns on the River Tay were from captures reported from net and rod fisheries. P values were determined using Fishers Exact test.

River smolt year release site origin total mean length in mm ( SD) adult returns % P value
Conon 2002 Conon Bridge wild 491 120 (9.6) 6 1.22  
    Conon Bridge reared 497 115 (4.0) 0 0.00 0.015
    Torrachilty wild 688 120 (9.7) 19 2.76  
    Torrachilty reared 485 114 (4.2) 1 0.21 <0.001
  2006 Torrachilty wild 998 122 (9.0) 43 4.31  
    Torrachilty reared 1028 119 (8.3) 7 0.68 <0.001
Tay 1992 River Braan wild 253 127 (9.6) 15 5.93  
    River Braan reared 3140 142 (11.1) 17 0.54 <0.001


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