
Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Volume 3 Number 3: Clyde Ecosystem Review

A review of previously published information and knowledge concerning the Firth of Clyde ecosystem and suggestions for further studies in the Clyde required in order to support sustainable use of this active Scottish marine ecosystem

10. Bibliography

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10.1.1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh B, Volume 90, 1986

Boyd, J. M. (1986). The environment of the Estuary and Firth of Clyde - an introduction. p1-6.

Tivy, J. (1986). The geography of the Estuary and Firth of Clyde. p7-24.

Jardine, G. (1986).The geological and geomorphological setting of the Estuary and the Firth of Clyde. p25-42.

Smith, K. (1986). The climate of the Estuary and Firth of Clyde. p43-54.

Poodle, T. (1986). Fresh water inflows to the Firth of Clyde. p55-66.

Edwards, A., M. S. Baxter, D. J. Ellett, J. H. A. Martin, D. T. Meldrum and C. R. Griffiths (1986). Clyde Sea hydrography. p67-84.

Townson, J.M. and Richard H. G. (1986). Collar.Water movement and the simulation of storm surges in the Firth of Clyde. p85-96.

Curran, J.C. (1986). Effluent disposal and the physical environment. J. C. Curran. p97-116.

Lewis, R.E. (1986). The hydrography of Irvine Bay and its relation to the Clyde Sea Area. p117-126.

Balls, P.W. (1986). Trace metals in water and suspended particulates - a synopsis. p127-128.

Meadows, P.S. and A. Tufail (1986). Bioturbation, microbial activity and sediment properties in an estuarine ecosystem. p129-142.

Wilkinson, M., Fuller I., and D. Rendall (1986). The attached algae of the Clyde and Garnock Estuaries. p143-150.

McLean, R.O., T. A. K. Gow, J. Webster, A. Arthur and D. J. Curtis (1986). Epilithic diatoms of the Clyde Estuary. p151-156.

Henderson A.R. and J.D. Hamilton (1986).The status of fish population in the Clyde Estuary. p157-170.

Furness, R.W., H. Galbraith, I.P. Gibson and Neil B. (1986). Recent changes in numbers of waders on the Clyde Estuary, and their significance for conservation. p171-184.

Thompson, D. B. A., D. J., Curtis and J. C. Smyth (1986). Patterns of association between birds and invertebrates in the Clyde Estuary. p185-202.

Boney, A.D. (1986). Seasonal studies on the phytoplankton and primary production in the inner Firth of Clyde. p203-222.

Tett, P., R. Gowen, B. Grantham and K. Jones (1986). The phytoplankton ecology of the Firth of Clyde sea-lochs Striven and Fyne. p223-238.

Adams, J.A. (1986). Zooplankton investigations in the Firth of Clyde. p239-254.

Norton, T.A. (1986). The ecology of macroalgae in the Firth of Clyde. p255-270.

Moore, P.G. (1986). Seaweed-associated animal communities in the Firth of Clyde, with special reference to the population biology of the amphipod Hyale nilssoni (Rathke). p271-286.

Barnett P. R. O. and J. Watson (1986). Long-term changes in some benthic species in the Firth of Clyde, with particular reference to Tellina tenuis da Costa. p287-302.

Hardy, B. L. S. and P. R. O. Barnett (1986). The biology of harpacticoid copepods in the meiofauna of shallow subtidal sands. p303-316.

Eleftheriou, A., M. R. Robertson and D. J. Murison (1986). The benthic fauna of sandy bays, with particular reference to Irvine Bay. p317-328.

Pearson, T. H., A. D. Ansell and L. Robb The benthos of the deeper sediments of the Firth of Clyde, with particular reference to organic enrichment. p329-350.

Atkinson, R. J. A. (1986). Mud-burrowing megafauna of the Clyde Sea Area. p351-362.

Monaghan, P. and B. Zonfrillo (1986). Population dynamics of seabirds in the Firth of Clyde. p363-376.

Miller, B.S. (1986). Trace metals in the common mussel Mytilus edulis (L.) in the Clyde Estuary. p377-392.

Haig, A.J.N. (1986). Use of the Clyde Estuary and Firth for the disposal of effluents. p393-406.

Bailey, R. S., D. W. McKay, J. A. Morrison and M. Walsh (1986). The biology and management of herring and other pelagic fish stocks in the Firth of Clyde. p407-422.

Hislop, J. R. G. (1986). The demersal fishery in the Clyde Sea Area. p423-438.

Mason, J. and D. I. Fraser (1986). Shellfish fisheries in the Clyde Sea Area. p439-450.

Gibson, J.A. (1986). Recent changes in the status of some Clyde vertebrates. p451-468.

Kerr, A.J. (1986). Conservation of natural resources. p469-478.

Mackay, D.W. and C. Ross (1986). Doughty Migratory salmonids of the Estuary and Firth of Clyde. p479-490.

Poxton, M.G. (1986). The distribution of plaice eggs and larvae in the Clyde Sea Area. p491-500.

Bailey, N., F. G. Howard and C. J. Chapman (1986). Clyde nethrops, biology and fisheries. p501-518.

Doody, J.P. (1986). The saltmarshes of the Firth of Clyde. p519-536.


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