Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Volume 3 Number 6: Development of a GIS based Aquaculture Decision Support Tool (ADST) to determine the potential benthic impacts associated with the expansion of salmon farming in Scottish sea lochs

This paper presents a GIS based aquaculture decision

support tool (ADST) to assist with planning the sustainable development of the aquaculture

industry in Scotland.

Glossary of Acronyms and Symbols

Acronym Meaning
A (15-70m) Area in a sea loch that is between the 15 m and 70 m depth contours, as calculated by the ADST (km 2)
ADST High Level GIS Decision Support Tool
A L Total area of seabed within each sea loch that was leased to fish farms (km 2)
equation Average total leased area in all sea lochs (km 2)
A LW Surface area of sea loch calculated at mean low water
A REQ Area required in each sea loch to produce B TMAX (km 2)
AZE Allowable Zone of Effect
B Total biomass consented to be held in a sea loch by the CAR licences issued by SEPA (t)
B C Current total consented biomass
B CMAX Maximum potential biomass considering the maximum peak C-flux beneath the sites in a sea loch (t)
BI Benthic Impact
BI L Benthic impact Limit threshold for ECE_MOD.m model (10 % Sea loch area)
BI pa Benthic impact Precautionary threshold for ECE_MOD.m model (8 % Sea loch area)
B MAX The most limiting value for the maximum potential biomass in each sea loch from all the calculations (t)
B SMAX Maximum potential biomass in each sea loch, taking SEPA modelling restrictions into consideration ( i.e. 2500 t per site) (t)
B TMAX Theoretical maximum biomass of farmed fish in a sea loch, such that the precautionary limits for nutrient enhancement and benthic impact were not exceeded (t)
CAR Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2005
ECE Equilibrium Concentration Enhancement ( ECE) of nutrients. The ECE is the extra concentration that would occur if a steady input of nutrients were to be balanced by steady removal by seawater exchange. Use by algae is ignored (µmol N l -1)
ECE.bas Model used in the 'Locational Guidelines' to predict the ECE and % degraded areas
ECE_MOD.m ECE.bas model modified in 'MatLab' to calculate the maximum fish biomass that can be produced in a sea loch before the precautionary levels of nutrient enhancement and benthic impact are breached
ECE L Nutrient Enrichment Indicator: Limit Threshold for ECE_MOD.m model (µmol N l -1)
ECE pa Nutrient Enrichment Indicator: Precautionary threshold for ECE_MOD.m model (µmol N l -1)
GIS Geographic Information System
ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
LW Area Surface area of sea loch calculated at mean low water
MaRS Crown Estate's GIS based Marine Resource System
MSS Marine Scotland Science
MSS_BI.m ECE.bas model modified in 'MatLab' to calculate the maximum fish biomass that can be produced at a fish farm site before the c-flux threshold is breached (in this case 7 kgC m -2 yr -1)
n E Number of existing sites in a sea loch before the ADST
n P Number sites predicted in each sea loch by the ADST
P Annual total tonnage of fish produced (t yr -1)
PADA Potential Aquaculture Development Areas
P d average value for production per km 2 (t km -2)
equation Average annual production (t yr -1)
SAMS Scottish Association for Marine Science
SEPA Scottish Environmental Protection Agency
SSPO Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation


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