
Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Volume 3 Number 9: Data Mining of the Nephrops Survey Database to Support the Scottish MPA Project

Marine Scotland Science conducts annual underwater television surveys to estimate the abundance of Nephrops norvegicus on muddy sediments in seas around Scotland. Data within the Nephrops survey database will be used to assist with the Scottish Marine Pro

Annex A

Project Timeline

August - December 2010 Initial emails, meetings and proposal of work. Nephrops database is populated with sediment analysis results available from PSA and work begins on importing positional information for each UWTV station into the database.
January - June 2011 MSS staff attend GIS course. Work continues on populating Nephrops database with UWTV survey data and a temporary staff member is employed to assist with the process. PSA continues for sediment samples collected in 2010. Nephrops burrow counts are reformatted and imported into the database. Communication between MSS, SNH and JNCC continues through email and meetings. Preliminary GIS layers for the North and South Minch are created to help inform survey design for SNH.
July 2011 Meeting between MSS, SNH and JNCC to discuss progress to date. GIS layers for PSA, sea pen abundance and Nephrops burrow density are completed for 2010. Sea lochs and drop frame sampling issues are discussed. PSA completed and GIS layer package emailed for 2008, 2009 and 2010. Abundance scales ( ROCA and SACFOR) are to be compared.
August - December 2011 Reformatted burrow counts and burrow density data are imported into database. Data are 'cleaned' and GIS layers are created. Data collected during deepwater surveys is entered and analysed. Photographs and descriptions of sampling and mud biotopes in of the main survey areas are produced. GIS layer package for all survey data from 2008, 2009 and 2010 is created and delivered to SNH and JNCC.
January - April 2012 Nephrops burrow presence/absence data ( i.e. data from drop frame stations) are added to data file. Work begins on final report. Report completed end of August 2012.


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