
Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Volume 4 Number 3: Epidemiology and Control of an Outbreak of Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia in Wrasse Around Shetland Commencing 2012

Report on an outbreak of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia in multiple stocked species of wrasse on six sea-water sites around Shetland Mainland commencing December 2012.

13 Acknowledgments

Disease outbreaks require a rapid, thorough and integrated response based on specialist experience to ensure effective control. Control of this outbreak has involved the combined efforts of the Fish Health Inspectorate, and the Diagnostic, Research and Epidemiology groups working within the infrastructure of MSS. Control of the outbreak would have been very much more difficult without the willing cooperation of affected (and potentially affected) aquaculture companies and staff.

The work of the following individuals in MSS who, although not authors of this report, have made an important contribution to the joint effort is gratefully acknowledged: Mrs J. Black, Mrs F. Bland, Mrs J. Brown, Miss K. Donald, Mr M. Fordyce, Mr D. Fraser, Mrs A. Garden, Mr P. Gray, Mr A. Mayes, Mrs R. McIntosh, Mr P. McKay, Mrs L. Munro, Mr W. Murray, Ms P. Noguera, Dr C. Pert, Miss R. Pettinello, Mr N. Purvis, Miss J. Sandilands, Dr D. Smail, Mr D. Stewart, Miss H. Stagg, Mrs N. Still, Mr D. Tomlinson, Miss A. Warwick and Miss S. Weir. While these individuals are thanked they should not, of course, be held responsible for the analysis and interpretation of their contributions.


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