
Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Volume 5 Number 14: Electrofishing for Razor Clams (Ensis siliqua and E. arquatus): Effects on Survival and Recovery of Target and Non-Target Species

Trawling and tank based trials were conducted to assess whether electrofishing (which is currently prohibited under EU regulations) for razor clams Ensis siliqua and E. arquatus affects survival and behaviour patterns in Ensis spp. and non-target species.


  • The results of this study indicate that electrofishing using the system described is a low impact method of harvesting razor clams. The impact on the seabed is minimal in comparison to conventional dredge and trawl fisheries.
  • The immediate effects on non-target species are non-lethal and effects on invertebrate behaviour are short term.
  • Electrofishing for razor clams is potentially very efficient, and regulation of outtake and fishing effort may be required to ensure that the Scottish razor clam fishery is sustainable.


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