
Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Volume 5 Number 17: ScotMap Inshore Fisheries Mapping in Scotland: Recording Fishermen's use of the Sea

ScotMap provides spatial information on the fishing activity of Scottish registered commercial fishing vessels under 15 m in overall length. Information is provided on areas in which they fish, and to provide associated information on their fishing vessel


1. Scottish Government 2013. Planning Scotland's Seas - Scotland's National Marine Plan Consultation Draft.

2. Scottish Government 2013, Consultation Report on the Draft Scottish Marine Regions Order 2013.

3. Scottish Government 2013. Pilot PentlanFirth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan.

4. Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2011: Vessel and Employment Tables - Table 2.3 Number of active Scottish based vessels by district and length group as at 31st December 2011 -

5. des Clers, S., Lewin, S., Edwards, D., Searle, S., Lieberknecht, L. and Murphy, D. (2008). FisherMap. Mapping the Grounds: recording fishermen's use of the seas. Final Report. A report published for the Finding Sanctuary project.

6. Marine Scotland (2012) Draft report on ScotMap: the Inshore Fishing Study Pilot in Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters.

7. IFGs are non-statutory bodies that aim to improve the management of Scotland's inshore fisheries (out to six nautical miles) and to give commercial inshore fishermen a strong voice in wider marine management developments. Six ( IFGs) cover all of the Scottish coast (except Shetland where there are separate management arrangements).

8. Kafas, A., Davies, I, McLay, A, Gubbins, M., and Beth Scott (2014) New perspectives on fisheries: Combining the distributions of inshore and offshore commercial fisheries in Scotland. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Interactions of Marine Renewable Energy Technologies, Stornoway, Scotland.


10. Seafish Inshore fisheries project - Evidence Gathering In Support of Sustainable Scottish Inshore Fisheries.


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