
Scottish Marine Protected Areas socioeconomic monitoring

This report provides an assessment of emerging evidence on the socio-economic impacts of Scotland’s Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).


1. Scotland's MPA network consists of 47 Special Areas of Conservation ( SACs) to protect species and habitats such as bottlenose dolphin, cold-water coral reefs and seals; 45 Special Protection Areas ( SPAs) for colonies of seabirds; 61 Sites of Specific Scientific Interest ( SSSI) for the protection of seabirds, seals and habitats; and, 30 Marine Protected Areas ( MPAs) to protect benthic species and habitats such as maerl beds and common skate. 17 of these MPA sites fall under the Marine (Scotland) Act for inshore waters, and 13 under the UK Marine and Coastal Access Act for offshore waters.

2. 2016 data is not officially published data and has not been finalised - see methodology section.

3. 2016 data is not officially published data and has not been finalised - see methodology section.

4. Possible that data for these months is still incomplete - see methodology section


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