
Scottish mental health law review: our response

A response to the independent review of mental health, capacity and adult support and protection legislation, chaired by Lord John Scott KC.

Proposed Workstreams

1. Law Reform

This workstream will consider how best to amend and update legislation to give better and further effect to international human rights standards. It will also drive work to ensure that we have a co-ordinated approach to legislative reform across government.

2. Improving Services

This workstream will take forward our commitments to support the implementation of human rights in practice and to drive wider improvements to mental health services and services supporting adults who lack capacity.

3. Accountability

This workstream will focus on delivery of reforms to improve accountability within the system including work focused on data collection, monitoring and scrutiny and regulation.

Action at a national level will particularly be supported through the Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy, Delivery plan and Workforce Action Plan, the development of the proposed Human Rights Bill and the National Care Service as well as other connected programmes of reform within health and social care and government more widely.

We will work to deliver as far as possible through a shared programme approach across the mental health system. We will also need to work in partnership at national and local level to address the strategic challenges we face in delivering the objectives of this programme. This will include work to agree the best approach to delivery as well as to develop mechanisms for participation and engagement to reach consensus on the best options for future reform.



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