
Scottish mental health law review: our response

A response to the independent review of mental health, capacity and adult support and protection legislation, chaired by Lord John Scott KC.

The Vision for Change

Our proposed vision for change will direct our work under the Programme and is as follows:

The vision

Our vision is that our mental health system* upholds human rights and enables people to live well, with choice and control over their own lives, as well as any care, treatment, or wider assistance they might need.

This means…

  • Our laws, policies and practices are designed to give effect to the rights of people with mental illness and those who lack capacity.
  • That anyone who receives mental health support must be treated fairly, with dignity and in line with their rights.
  • People are supported to express what they need and to receive any care or treatment in line with their will and preferences.
  • People receive support in the right way at the right time and using the least restrictive practices.
  • There are strong mechanisms for accountability and effective safeguards in place to oversee the use of our legislation and delivery of mental health services.
  • We are demonstrating continuous improvement, underpinned by strong governance of the system.

*Our definition of the ‘mental health system’ is the laws, policies and practices that support people’s mental health and wellbeing in Scotland. It includes the wider family and community-based networks and supports, as well as clinical services that assist people to live well and realise their rights and access any care or treatment they might require.



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