
Scottish Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme – Implementation and Operation Group: terms of reference

Meeting of the Scottish Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme - Implementation and Operation Group terms of reference for meeting 2, paper 3.


The Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 2021 were laid before the Scottish Parliament on Friday 19 February 2021, introducing the new Scottish Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme (SMHSS) replacing the UK Nursery Milk Scheme in Scotland from 1 August 2021.

The Scottish Government ambition is to ensure that as many children as possible attending eligible pre-school settings are in receipt of the milk and healthy snack policy, embedding the habit of regular consumption of high-quality dairy produce and fruit and vegetables from an early age.

From 1 April 2022 a single national flat rate of 58.2p to cover the procurement of milk, non-dairy alternatives and healthy snack by settings was introduced pending implementation of any new Milk and Healthy Snack scheme.

Policy Objectives 

The Scheme reinforces the Scottish Government’s ambition to improve health outcomes for children and young people by supporting improvement in children's health in the earliest years, which is crucial in tackling health inequalities and reducing obesity.

The Scheme supports action to tackle health inequalities as well as the impacts of child poverty by removing the cost of the milk, non-dairy alternatives and healthy snacks from parent’s pockets.  

Terms of reference

The SMHSS Implementation and Operations Group will:

  • consider ways to maximise the opportunities to increase registration to the Scheme in order to maximise opportunities for improving child health, across different types of childcare settings in Scotland
  • consider and assess views and evidence, from an operational and delivery perspective at a national level, to ensure the Scheme is meeting policy objectives
  • consider results of research into the provision of milk, non-dairy alternative drinks and healthy snacks and inform the development of any resulting consultation should change be required
  • provide advice to Scottish Government officials on items presented to the group in order to inform Scottish ministers


 It is proposed that the membership will be the following:

  • Scottish Government Chair and Secretariat
  • Scottish Government SMHSS Policy Team
  • Scottish Government Early Learning and Childcare Policy Team
  • Association of Directors of Education in Scotland
  • The School and Nursery Milk Alliance
  • McQueens Dairies 
  • Muller Milk and Ingredients 
  • National Farmers Union Scotland 
  • Scottish Childminding Association
  • National Day Nurseries Association 
  • Scotland Excel 
  • ASSIST Facilities Management 
  • Public Health Scotland
  • The Vegan Society

It is proposed that members should nominate one representative from their organisation who can deputise at meetings as required.

In addition to those attending the Implementation and Operation Group meetings, there will be a correspondence group of selected, interested parties who will receive copies of the papers but not attend the meetings. Members will be invited to nominate groups and organisations for inclusion in the correspondence group.


The Implementation and Operations Group should meet at least once every two to three months, with additional meetings depending on group priorities (See annex for proposed work plan).  

The Secretariat will aim to produce minutes of the meetings within two weeks of a meeting.

Minutes will be published on the Scottish Government website once agreed by the group.


Should you find that a conflict of interest arises between your business/work interests and your role on the Implementation and Operations Group, we would advise that it is incumbent on you to identify such to the Scottish Government.

Scottish Government officials will provide further guidance as appropriate. Otherwise, we would simply reiterate the need to maintain confidentiality on relevant matters.

A structured agenda detailing the purpose of each discussion will be issued before each meeting.

Minutes of each meeting will be distributed in draft to all members for comment ahead of finalising and publication on the relevant Scottish Government webpage.

Members of the group should adhere to the agreed agenda set out in advance of the meeting.

Members of the group should respect and consider the opinions of other stakeholders in the group.

The lifespan of the group will be subject to review at appropriate intervals in the implementation and operation of the SMHSS.

Annex - proposed work plan


  • consider ways to maximise the opportunities to increase registration to the Scheme in order to maximise opportunities for improving child health, across different types of childcare settings in Scotland
  • consider and assess views and evidence, from an operational and delivery perspective at a national level, to ensure the scheme is meeting policy objectives
  • consider results of research into the provision of milk, non-dairy alternative drinks and healthy snacks and inform the development of any resulting consultation should change be required
  • provide advice to Scottish Government officials on items presented to the group in order to inform Scottish ministers

Primary driver

We need to ensure:

  • a co-ordinated and collaborative approach is taken to maximising the opportunities for improving children’s health and nutrition and to tackle health inequalities
  • we can successfully deliver the offer of the scheme in different childcare settings to ensure the scheme is meeting the needs of children, and early Learning and Childcare (ELC) settings

Secondary driver

Which requires:

  • joint approaches to delivery of the scheme are in place across local authorities and child care settings
  • understanding the operational considerations within child care settings and review and develop the processes in place
  • views from parents/carers and childcare practitioners about their experience of the Scottish Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme
  • effective channels of communication are established to share learning and understanding of the Scottish Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme 

Change ideas/actions

Ideas to ensure this happens:

  • collation and publication of best practice in delivering the scheme – registration and operation
  • local authority SMHSS Lead Officer network to provide a forum to discuss best practice and ways to promote uptake the scheme
  • consider data and evidence from settings, local authorities, key delivery partners including dairy and food and drink sectors on operating the scheme, including consultation and data collection will be undertaken in 2023-2024
  • identify and remove barriers to registration to the scheme
  • issue of regular communications to settings, local authorities and others on scheme


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