
Scottish Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme: Implementation and Operation Group minutes: November 2023

Minutes from the meeting held on 23 November 2023

Attendees and apologies

  • Scottish Government (SG) (Chair and minutes)
  • Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA)
  • Association of Directors of Education in Scotland (ADES)
  • Cool Milk & School and Nursery Milk Alliance (SNMA)
  • McQueens Dairies
  • Scottish Childminding Association (SCMA)
  • Scotland Excel
  • Muller Milk and Ingredients
  • Diffley Partnership Ltd


  • Scottish Government, Early Learning and Childcare (ELC)
  • School and Nursery Milk Alliance (SNMA)
  • National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA)
  • National Farming Union of Scotland (NFUS) Dairy
  • ASSIST Facilities Management
  • Public Health Scotland

Items and actions

Welcome, introductions and apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and members introduced themselves.

Update on data collection exercise 

The Chair introduced Scott Edgar from Diffley Partnership Ltd (Diffley) who joined the meeting for this item in order to provide an update on the SMHSS data collection exercise and to allow the opportunity for members to discuss any questions they might have.

Diffley explained that as part of the exercise they will be collecting data from Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) providers and suppliers to get a better understanding of costs faced by settings and local authorities in providing milk, non-dairy alternatives and healthy snacks. To do this they will need to identify appropriate contacts and are liaising with both the Care Inspectorate and members of the IOG.  

It was highlighted that in order to gather the information required, a form will be issued to local authorities to disseminate to those providers and suppliers participating in SMHSS. The form will be issued digitally with accompanying guidance and a dedicated phone line will be shared for those struggling to complete it online. Diffley confirmed the intention is to pilot the form in a couple local authority areas prior to the exercise going nationwide.

ADES sought clarity on the role of the local authority highlighting that for example, they do not hold all the relevant information for the 3rd sector providers. Diffley confirmed that they are working with the Care Inspectorate in relation to the 3rd sector providers and that the role of the local authority will be to disseminate and encourage those settings to complete and return the form rather than filling it in themselves.

ADES highlighted that within the local authority context, childcare settings filling in the form may not be able to answer questions about the cost of milk as this is often done centrally at local authority level. Muller also highlighted that it is also important to be aware that the price of the product includes distribution costs and this is not highlighted to their customers.

ADES suggested that using separate forms relevant to the particular sectors might be an option given the length of the form. The Chair highlighted that separate forms may alleviate bureaucracy and increase the response rate. Diffley confirmed that they will account for this feedback and update the form accordingly. Diffley also agreed to share the presentation slides with the group. (Action 1)

ADES queried the timing of when the exercise is due to be completed. Diffley confirmed that they are aiming to launch the pilot within the next 2 weeks but need to get the form correct and are aiming to have a final report ready by February/March 2024.

ADES highlighted that the ADES Resources Network will be meeting in December and are happy to circulate the local authority relevant form to the group for feedback and the ADES member will collate these comments and feedback to Diffley. SCMA, McQueens Dairies, Cool Milk and School and Nursery Milk Alliance, Muller and Scotland Excel also offered feedback on the form relevant to their sectors. The Chair thanked the group for their offers to assist on looking at the form and SG will provide Diffley with their contact details.

The Chair queried if the form can be completed using a mobile phone as feedback from the childminder sector was they tend to use mobile phones. Diffley confirmed that the form will be compatible with any device which includes mobile phones.

The Chair highlighted the pilot exercise and asked McQueens Dairies, Muller and Cool Milk if they were happy to be the suppliers involved in the pilot exercise. All these members agreed.

The Chair thanked Diffley for presenting to the IOG on the data collection exercise.

Minutes and actions from previous meeting (paper 2)

The group were content with the minutes from the previous meeting (Meeting 6) and for them to be published on the SG website.

The Chair provided an update on actions from the previous meeting, Meeting 6. He highlighted that there are a hnumber of ongoing actions from other previous meetings and so SG have created an actsion log and will circluate this shorlty.

Updates from IOG members

The Chair invited updates from members. ADES sought clarity if the SMHSS allows for soup to be made using what is provided under the healthy snack offer. The Chair confirmed that SG will look into this request and will get back to the IOG in due course. (Action 2)

SNMA provided an update relating to their activity around World School Milk Day and the promotion of the SMHSS. SNMA confirmed that they promoted the SMHSS through social media and the SNMA Chair visited two nurseries in Scotland and met with Mr Foysol Choudury MSP.

Update: local authority funding 2023-2024

SG thanked local authorities for administering the SMHSS. Grant offer letters were issued to local authorities on the 21 November 2024.

A further reconciliation exercise will take place in April 2024 to identify any additional payments that may be due to registered childcare settings over and above their initial allocation for 2024/25 (or overpayments that may be due to the Scottish Government).

ADES highlighted the pressure of inflation (particularly relating to rural areas) and asked whether the flat rate of 58.2p will be adjusted to take account of this. SG confirmed that the flat rate, as ordered by the courts, must remain in place until a replacement scheme is implemented. However, the intention behind the data collection exercise is to understand the actual costs of the SMHSS and what changes, if any, are required looking ahead.

ADES questioned the 175 day funding assumption of the number of days per year that settings are open referencing some establishments that are open 190 to 220 days a year. SG confirmed it follows the same approach of allocating funding to local authorities as the free meal entitlement in ELC settings. The 175 days is a working assumption of the number of days across Scotland that childcare settings are open between 1 April and 31 March. This is to identify the funding quantum required to deliver the SMHSS. SG acknowledged that some local authorities will have childcare settings open for longer as well as shorter periods of time over the year and that in April 2024 local authorities will have the opportunity to highlight any over/underspend as part of the annual SMHSS reconciliation exercise. SG confirmed that they will discuss and consider the 175 days in more detail with COSLA and will update the group accordingly. (Action 3)

ADES also made the group aware that the next financial year may see an increase in uptake due to deferred 5 year olds and wanted to highlight the impact this may have on the budget.

Update on registration figures as at 1 April 2023 (paper 3)

The Chair explained that the purpose of the registration data paper is to provide an overview of the most recent registration data of childcare settings and children who are registered on the scheme as at 1 August 2023 across all 32 local authorities. It also provides a direct comparison against the 1 August 2022 data. It was confirmed that all 32 local authority returns were received.

The Chair highlighted that for this period there is an increase in both settings and children registered to the scheme which includes an increase in childminder settings. The Chair also highlighted that there is an upward trend of registrations for the August periods from 2021 to 2023 for both settings and children.

The Chair invited comments from the group. ADES reiterated the expected increase due to the deferred 5 year old policy changes but also that projections are showing that there may be a considerable increase of eligible 2 year olds.

Terms of reference (paper 4)

The Chair highlighted that at meeting 6 of the IOG we discussed widening membership of the group to include representation from both a national parental organisation, as well as non-dairy alternative organisation and invited feedback from the group.

It was agreed at this meeting that it would be beneficial to review membership and the IOG Terms of Reference (TOR).

SG updated and shared an amended TOR (Paper 4) and are seeking input from members. The Chair highlighted that the policy objectives have been updated to include reducing impact of child poverty.

The Chair invited comments from the group and highlighted that any changes to the TOR following feedback will be issued to the group over email instead of waiting until the next IOG meeting.

COSLA suggested it would be helpful to have the groups role around decision making reflected in the TOR. The Chair clarified that the decisions relating to the scheme are taken by Scottish Ministers but the role of the IOG is to provide advice and help inform the final decision made by Ministers. The Chair clarified that this could be added to section 3 of the TOR.

ADES sought clarity on the lifespan of the group. The Chair explained that the group was set up to oversee the implementation of the SMHSS and embed the scheme. Following this period it is anticipated that we would no longer require the group however, we will need to consider this further and can reflect this in the TOR.

The Chair asked if members were content for both non-dairy and national parental organisations to be invited to join the IOG.

ADES raised a concern about sensitivities relating to funding. The Chair explained that this should not be an issue, particularly as the IOG already consists of members from private organisations.

ADES also asked SG to consider in more detail what the impact of having a parental representation on the group will mean in terms of expectations. The Chair agreed and suggested the introduction of a parental representative through the correspondence group with the view to eventually inviting them onto the IOG. SG will consider this further.

The Chair thanked members for their input and confirmed that a revised TOR will be issued for comment and that agreed invitations will be issued to relevant groups for membership of the IOG and Correspondence Group. (Action 4)

Any other business

SG highlighted that they have established a Network of SMHSS Local Authority Lead Officers and that the first meeting took place on the 4 October 2023. The meetings will take place quarterly and SG will chair and provide secretariat support.

The Network was established to provide a forum for local authorities to discuss SMHSS queries, share best practice, promote continuity and consistency across local authorities, as well as providing a space for discussion on ways to promote uptake of the scheme to allow as many children as possible to benefit from milk or specified non-dairy alternatives and a healthy snack.

SG reflected on recent conversations with COSLA and ADES about being invited to these meetings and for them to be included in the dissemination of meeting notes.

SNMA highlighted that due to the pressures of inflation they lobbied the UK Rural Payments Agency against the costs of administration which resulted in an increase of 1 pence to their subsidy. SNMA suggest that this demonstrates that the impact of increased inflation is recognised.

SNMA made members aware that they are meeting with the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills in December 2024 regarding the School Milk Scheme in Scotland and offered to raise any additional points around the SMHSS on behalf of IOG members.

It was noted by ADES that Gary Greenhorn will be retiring at the end of December 2024 and that they will be in touch about a replacement member. The Chair wished the member well and thanked him for his invaluable support in implementing the SMHSS.

Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held in March/April 2024.

Action 1: Diffley to consider feedback from group members when developing the data collection form and to share presentation slides with the group.

Action 2: SG to clarify if soup can be made with the healthy snack element of the scheme.

Action 3: SG and COSLA to discuss and consider the 175 days funding assumption in more detail.

Action 4:SG to issue invitations to relevant groups for membership of the IOG and Correspondence Group and the TOR to be updated and issued to the IOG for comment.


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