
Climate change: Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029

Sets out the actions that the Scottish Government and partners will take to respond to the impacts of climate change. This Adaptation Plan sets out actions from 2024 to 2029.


1 According to NatureScot, Natural Capital is a term for habitats and ecosystems that provide social, environmental and economic benefits to humans. Scotland has a wide range of these habitats and ecosystems - each of which makes a unique contribution to the wellbeing of those who live and work in Scotland.

2 The CCC estimated the broad cost of each risk as part of its supporting research to their third Climte Change Risk Assessment: Monetary Valuation of Risks and Opportunities in CCRA3 - UK Climate Risk

3 Scotland's Marine Economic Statistics 2021 - (

4 Transport Scotland Annual Report and Accounts 2022-23



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