Climate change - Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment

Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment undertaken for the Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024 to 2029.

Post Assessment Review and Sign-off

12. Planning for the review of impact on children’s rights and wellbeing (Guidance Section 2.3.2, pages 22).

The delivery of the Plan will include monitoring and evaluation. Planned monitoring and evaluation of the upcoming climate change Just Transition Plans will also be important in improving our understanding of child rights and wellbeing. The Just Transition Plans include an outcome related to adaptation and nature/biodiversity. Evidence gathered to support the monitoring and evaluation of the Plans will aim to develop our understanding of whether children and young people are experiencing the benefits of this outcome equally. In addition, further data development to support monitoring and evaluation of both the Adaptation Plan and the Just Transition Plans is taking place through a Scottish Climate Survey. This survey will provide data in the first half of 2025 around a range of objective areas in the Adaptation Plan and the Just Transition Plans. The data collected will be representative of the Scottish Population including Children’s Youth Parliament members and include a range of equality breakdowns to enable further analysis where necessary (e.g. gender, employment status, household income, housing tenure status).

The Climate Change Act also requires the Climate Change Committee to prepare two reports within the lifetime of the Plan setting out its independent assessment of the progress made towards its objectives, proposals and policies. The first independent assessment of the previous programme included accompanying advice on ensuring adaptation programme was done in line with a just transition and the CCC will continue to scrutinise the Plan’s progress on ensuring fairness in its adaptation policies.

Specific policies, plans and strategies proposed under the Plan should be screened for EqIAs, conducting them in full where assessed to be integral to ensure human rights and equality impacts (both direct and indirect) have been fully considered. The succeeding Scottish National Adaptation Plan (2029-2034) will require a new CRWIA to be published.

13. Sign off (Guidance Section 2.3.2, pages 22-23).

Policy Lead Signature & Date of Sign Off: Rannoch Graham, 30/08/2024

Deputy Director Signature & Date of Sign Off: Catriona Laing, 03/09/2024

Date CRWIA team first contacted: 01/11/2022

SGLD Date of Sign off: 12/09/2024



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