
Climate change - Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029: children's version

Children's version of the Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024 to 2029. This version can be used to support learning and sets out the actions the Scottish Government and partners will take to respond to the impacts of climate change from 2024 to 2029.

What is climate change?

What is ‘weather'? - Weather is the way the air outside feels and can include sunshine, rain, snow, wind, and storms.

What is ‘climate’? - While weather lasts for a few days, the word ‘climate’ is used to describe weather in an area over a long time

What is ‘climate change’? - Climate change describes the changes in normal weather over time.

  • Scientists have noticed the world is growing hotter over time. This is sometimes called global warming.
  • This warming is leading to more big weather events such as heat waves and flooding.
  • This change has been caused by human activities such as burning coal and oil and cutting down forests.

What is 'climate mitigation'? - This is when we make better choices for the planet to stop global warming. For example, we might ride our bikes to school rather than drive a car that burns oil.

What is 'climate adaptation'? - This is when we make changes to protect ourselves from the climate's changes such as more rainfall, heat waves or flooding. For example, if we notice a river keeps overflowing after heavy rain, we might plant trees next to it to soak up the extra water and to stop the river overflowing.

Our Adaptation Champions

The Adaptation Scotland programme helps organisations, businesses and communities prepare for and adapt to the impacts of climate change.



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