
Climate change - Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029: children's version

Children's version of the Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024 to 2029. This version can be used to support learning and sets out the actions the Scottish Government and partners will take to respond to the impacts of climate change from 2024 to 2029.

Our Communities

Our communities are working together to adapt to climate change. Our community might be made up of people who live and work in our neighbourhoods. Our community might also be made up of people who share something else in common with us. For instance, some people feel connected to a community of those of the same age, gender or disability.


1. The people and organisations who look after the place we live (for example those who run libraries, schools, hospitals and look after our roads) are working together to prepare for changes to our climate in a way that is fair.

2. Our communities are being given the help and information they need to take action in their area. They have the power to make choices together on which actions will work best for their community. This will help create places that are ready for the impacts of climate change while being healthy and fair, with everyone getting a say.

3. Communities and families should be given help to get ready for big weather moments like storms, floods or heat waves. They should also get help after big weather events to repair anything that has been broken. This should be done in a way that will make what has been broken, stronger against being broken during a big weather event again. This will be done alongside work of our firefighters, police officers and paramedics and will protect those who are most in danger during emergencies.

4. New buildings will be made with a changed climate in mind. Existing buildings will look for chances to make climate-friendly changes during normal upkeep or other works happening now.

5. Scotland's historic environment (made up of all the places and things in Scotland that tell us a story from our past) is preparing for climate change. The power of stories, traditions, beliefs, and creativity can all help to support us though change.

6. Scotland's seas and beaches and the local people and businesses that rely on them (such as fisheries) will be protected from the changing climate. We will plan carefully to protect our coastal communities.



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