Climate change - Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029: children's version

Children's version of the Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024 to 2029. This version can be used to support learning and sets out the actions the Scottish Government and partners will take to respond to the impacts of climate change from 2024 to 2029.

Our Economy and Businesses

Our economy refers to all the ways people in Scotland make or spend money. It involves buying and selling goods and services. A strong economy will give people lots of different jobs where they can earn money. Our economy is made up of all kinds of important players such as the Government and businesses such as shops, farms and building companies as well as their customers.

Climate change could affect our economy in a bad way. It could affect how much money we have to spend on making Scotland a better place for everyone. For instance, if a flood damages a farmer’s store of potatoes, they will lose the money and time they spent planting, watering and harvesting the potatoes. There will also be less potatoes to go to the supermarket which could make potatoes cost a little more for everybody to buy.

However, a different climate could also affect parts of our economy in a useful way. For instance, with hotter summers, an ice cream shop may sell more ice creams to help people cool down and they may need to hire more people to help. There may be space for new businesses and jobs that haven’t been possible in Scotland before.

1. Businesses will better understand how climate change will affect them and have advice on what to do. This will help businesses think about climate change when making decisions on how they’re run, what they spend money on, and what they do day-to-day and in the future. Business will work together to help Scotland to adapt in the best way.

2. Farming, fishing and forestry businesses will be supported to change the way they work to suit and prepare for the changing climate. This will mean they can still make money in the future.

3. Scotland will work to create exciting new inventions which can help limit the bad effects of climate change and make good use of our new weather.

4. Climate change will be thought of when we decide how to spend money to make Scotland a better, healthier and fairer place for everyone. This includes making sure climate change doesn’t stop anyone from being able to get the important things they need, like food or medicine.



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