Climate change - Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029: island communities impact assessment

Island communities impact assessment undertaken for the Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-29.


All outcomes have been shaped by the original ICIA on the draft the Adaptation Plan and the consultation responses received including the results of the public consultation workshop held with communities on South Uist.

There are several objectives across the plan which will impact on Island Communities due to their overarching natures; however, the following objectives below have been pulled out due to their high level of relevance to the issues facing island communities today and in the future.

Under the Adaptation Plan Outcome Two: Communities[1], objective C2 is centered on locally-led adaptation with a focus on supporting vulnerable communities including island communities:

Objective C2: Communities and individuals are supported, informed, and able to take locally led adaptation action, supporting local priorities and resilient, healthy, and equitable places.

Under Outcome Three: Public Services and Infrastructure[2], objective PS4 is centered on our transport system including our aviation and ferry networks which serve as essential routes to and from Island Communities:

Objective PS4: The transport system is prepared for current and future impacts of climate change and is safe for all users, reliable for everyday journeys and resilient to weather-related disruption.

Under Outcome Four: Economy, Business and Industry[3], two objectives (B2 and B4) will play an important part in increasing the climate resilience of many Island Communities.

Objective B2 is centered on agriculture, forestry, fishing and aquaculture sector support including the role of climate resilient farming, crofting and land management in maintaining thriving island communities:

Objective B2: Farming, forestry, fishing and aquaculture businesses are supported to adapt production and operations in a way that benefits livelihoods, resilience and the economy in a changing climate.

Objective B4 is centred on climate resilient economic development and supply chains with a focus on protecting food supply, safety and affordability including protecting the food and drink industry which supports many island economies:

Objective B4: Economic development is informed by climate risks and opportunities including identifying and managing supply chain vulnerabilities for vital food and goods.



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