Scottish National Investment Bank Bill: equality impact assessment

How Scottish National Investment Bank's ethical approach will be developed.


8. To support the development of the Implementation Plan, the Scottish Government issued a consultation paper in October 2017[5]. The consultation invited comments and suggestions from stakeholders on a series of key issues on the creation of a national investment bank. An analysis of the consultation responses[6] was published alongside the Implementation Plan and the Supporting Analysis[7].

9. Building on that work, the Scottish Government ran a second consultation on our proposals for the creation of the Bank and the supporting Scottish National Investment Bank Bill. The consultation received 1,443 responses; 40 responses from organisations, an email campaign response from Friends of the Earth Scotland with 1383 responses, and 20 responses from individuals. 

10. An analysis of responses to that consultation has now been published on the Scottish Government’s webpages.[8]

11. Feedback received to both consultations, the associated stakeholder engagement, and the stakeholder engagement that has taken place since have all been taken into account in this EQIA.

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