
Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics Data Zones Background Information

This report sets out background information on the development and use of data zones and also aims to answer the questions which arose during the final phase of consultation with local authorities.

Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics Data Zones Background Information


Over the last couple of years the Scottish Executive have consulted widely with users on the development of a small area geography (data zones) for use in Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics to allow statistics across a number of policy areas to be readily (and regularly) available on a consistent and stable geography.

The publication of the data zones is a significant milestone in the Scottish Executive and partners' ability to monitor and develop policy at a small area level. Through Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics data zones will increasingly be the core geography for making available small area statistics across most policy areas including information about benefits, education, health and the labour market. This will allow users to readily bring together information from various sources on a common geography. Statistics relating to data zones will become available through Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics during Spring 2004.

The data zone geography covers the whole of Scotland and nests within local authority boundaries. Data zones are groups of Census output areas which have populations of between 500 and 1,000 household residents, and some effort has been made to respect physical boundaries. In addition, they have compact shape and contain households with similar social characteristics.

This report sets out background information on the development and use of data zones and also aims to answer the questions which arose during the final phase of consultation with local authorities.

Office of the Chief Statistician

February 2004

Scottish Executive
3WR, St Andrews House
Telephone: 0131 244 0442
Fax: 0131 244 0335

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