
Scottish Nephrops Working Group Report: Scottish Government response

Our response to the recommendations in the Scottish Nephrops Working Group report of September 2021.

3. Improving efficiency

3.1. Further investigation with industry alongside, for example Fisheries Innovation Scotland and Seafish, into research projects on automation within all parts of supply chain to support efficiency (S-M)

3.2. Develop measures to allow adoption and investment of fuel efficiency savings onboard vessels (S-M)

3.3. Develop a research project with active fishermen to explore onboard efficiencies (M-L)

3.4. Initiate a study into process mapping of the supply chain to identify further efficiencies (M-L)

Scottish Government response

Key to improving efficiency across sectors is the Scottish Government's commitment to a Just Transition to Net Zero by 2045, and we have already committed to a Circular Economy Bill to reduce waste.

The Scottish fishing industry is well known for its innovation and adaptation. We have seen many improvements to fishing operations over the years and welcome the commitment of this report to further work to improve efficiencies both on board and within the supply chain. Automation is just one example of that.

The Scottish Government has and will continue to provide support to the industry to innovate and improve their operations. For instance, funding provided to the industry-led project GITAG has helped fishers to test new gear.

There is clearly a significant role for the industry themselves here and we would encourage sharing of information about what has and hasn't worked in the past, along with collaborative work to progress further innovation and change.



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