
Scottish Nephrops Working Group Report: Scottish Government response

Our response to the recommendations in the Scottish Nephrops Working Group report of September 2021.

4. Improving product quality

4.1. Undertake a detailed analysis of competitors and their quality offering (S-M)

4.2. Develop insight (market research) support programme to assist suppliers in understanding customers' specific requirements and define country specifications (S-M)

4.3. Industry to consider how seasonality adversely affects quality (S-M)

4.4. Develop a standardised product quality framework which results in accreditation and in addition give guidance on good practice for all parts of the supply chain (M-L)

4.5. Design and deliver training to support product quality improvement (S-M)

4.6. Develop a Scottish quality mark for nephrops underpinned by a Quality Assurance Scheme (M-L)

4.7. Process innovation to improve product quality and reduce cost as the product passes through the supply chain (M-L)

4.8. Engage key partners to evaluate and undertake fishing gear research to improve product quality, good practice and implement consistent size standards (M-L)

4.9. Encourage improvement of handling, packing, and chilling on vessels (M-L)

4.10. Investigate new, standardised, innovative sustainable packaging (M-L)

4.11. Standardise processes to ensure greater consistency in the use of sulphites and research other methods of maintaining product quality other than sulphites (S-M)

Scottish Government response

Whilst Scotland is home to the finest nephrops, today's consumer is rightly concerned about the provenance and sustainable origin of the seafood they eat, and the quality of the product is intrinsically linked to this. It is important that the seafood sector is at the forefront of environmentally sustainable and low-carbon fishing practices and that this can be easily recognised by those buying Scottish products.

Our FFM Strategy recognises the importance of managing our fisheries in a sustainable and responsible way. We want to work in partnership with our stakeholders to identify where improvements to our management can be made, including the introduction of additional technical measures to reduce unwanted catch and reduce discarding through our Future Catching Policy. Improving standards in this way will help improve the quality of the nephrops catch and also help demonstrate that the fishing methods we employ are consistent with a high quality sustainable product. This in turn can help with accreditation and marketing of products.

In addition, our local food strategy consultation and the development of a "Sustainably Scottish" brand will support Scottish seafood to grow in recognition as a sustainable low-carbon food. All of these will help to deliver transformation to the sector, improving economic outputs and delivering in line with our commitment to a 10 year Economic transformation, Blue Economy Vision and our Net Zero commitment.

Delivering accountability, improving our knowledge and understanding, and increasing our data set, are key strands of work under our Inshore Modernisation programme and FFM Strategy. These policies will not only deliver improvements in our decision making and overall management, but will also help with accountability for retailers and the consumer.



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