
Scottish Nephrops Working Group Report: Scottish Government response

Our response to the recommendations in the Scottish Nephrops Working Group report of September 2021.

5. Investment and innovation programme

5.1. Identify funding for vessel modernisation and renewal in the inshore fleet (M-L)

5.2. Encourage new entrants into vessel ownership (S-M)

5.3. Encourage vessel and processor improvements to aid quality and efficiency through future funding schemes (S-M)

5.4. Review logistics and infrastructure throughout the supply chain to improve product quality (S-M)

Scottish Government response

As part of the FFM Strategy we are taking forward work to encourage new entrants into the seafood sector, carrying out research into the barriers facing new entrants including specific equalities groups such as women, and will consider what further actions may be required.

The MFS has supported new entrants to secure their positions in the fishing industry; for instance, to assist young fishers to purchase their first fishing boat (or share in a fishing boat). The MFS has also supported new entrants by providing grant support to Seafish to deliver training in Scotland. To date, we have awarded over £140k for three applications for young fishers and vessel improvements and are considering a further 18 applications.

One of the aims of our FFM Strategy is to "seek to recognise the important role that all parts of society make to the fishing industry, and to promote involvement across all genders and equalities groups in a positive and inclusive way". We have recently commissioned research that will provide us with a comprehensive insight into the challenges and opportunities which the Scottish fishing industry presents for women.

Our FFM Strategy also has a strong focus on safety at sea, and many of the entry requirements to the fishing industry are related to the completion of basic safety certificates. The organisation Seafish has a dedicated programme of events and courses designed to support people of any gender, age or background to enter into the fishing industry. They are able to provide advice and guidance on options, including grants and funding, which will be specific to individual circumstances.

The Scottish Government has been working with the Scottish fishing industry through the Scottish Fishing Safety Group (SFSG) to improve safety for all fishers. The SFSG has recently secured £140k of Scottish Government funding to pay for Seafish to deliver free safety training for fishing vessel crews. This will be match funded by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), to realise total funding of £280,000 through to March 2022.

See also our response under section 3: Improving efficiency.



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