
Scottish Nephrops Working Group Report: Scottish Government response

Our response to the recommendations in the Scottish Nephrops Working Group report of September 2021.

6. Demonstrating environmental sustainability

6.1. Continue following current advice and regulations to manage stocks sustainably (S-M)

6.2. Work with others to support progress towards Independent Environmental certification including supporting continued development of Fisheries Improvement Project (FIP) (M-L)

6.3. Encourage implementation of how to modify fishing gear to reduce environmental impact (M-L)

6.4. Explore measures to ensure 100% of product landed is fully utilised, pursuing a zero waste strategy (M-L)

Scottish Government response

The Scottish Government follows an evidence based approach to fisheries management, and is committed to using the best available scientific advice in order to make management decisions, particularly around fishing opportunities and sustainability measures. Our co-management approach ensures that we work closely with the fishing industry and others to take the right management decisions to protect the marine environment and fish stocks as well as socio-economic interests.

Although FIPs are an industry-led initiative, the Scottish Government seeks to support the FIP process, and to provide expertise and knowledge as required. In addition, the development of a Sustainably Scottish brand will help set Scottish nephrops apart from other marques.

Our FFM Strategy affirms our commitment to working in partnership with our stakeholders to understand the impact that fishing has on climate change and marine biodiversity and to take positive and proactive action to deliver on our commitments to net zero.

Our Inshore Modernisation Programme and rollout of Remote Electronic Monitoring to key parts of the fishing fleet will enrich our data set and knowledge, helping us to make more informed management decisions in the future. It will also help to improve compliance with rules and regulations and ensure that we have the right tools in place to deliver effective deterrents and enforcement action.

The cooperation agreement with the Scottish Green Party includes plans to introduce Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs) and to consult on a cap on inshore fishing activity. Delivering a step change in marine protection to achieve good environmental status in our waters has required us to consider measures across the marine environment and fisheries which will help to mitigate biodiversity loss and respond to the climate emergency. We recognise marine industries and individual fishers will be concerned about the impact on their activity which is why we will undertake extensive public engagement and consultation to help understand these impacts as well as considering the social and economic impacts. Considering a just transition programme for affected marine industries will be part of our next steps.



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