
Scottish Peace Programme: request for proposals.

This is a request for proposals for a supplier to support the delivery of the Scottish Peace Programme, including establishment of a Scottish Peace Platform and the 1325 Women in Conflict Fellowships. The closing date for applications is 26 July 2024.

Annex B: Eligibility and Assessment Criteria

1. Legal Personality

Applicant Organisations must have a legal personality (i.e. a SCIO, a registered company).

Applications submitted by a consortium must include a lead organisation. There must be a named Project Manager who will liaise with the Scottish Government, as and when required.

Applications will be assessed against the technical (70%) and financial (30%) proposals.

2. Evaluation Criteria: knowledge and experience, expertise and operational capability relevant to the delivery of Strand 1 and Strand 2.

The following criteria is a guide for how technical proposals will be evaluated and the weighting each section carries.

A: Knowledge & Experience (Weighting 20%)

  • Excellent organisational linkages in Scotland and internationally for conflict resolution and peace building, and ability to leverage these to create opportunities for the Fellows and Scottish organisations to engage in peace building activities.
  • Strong understanding of Scotland’s international development policy environment, and global policy environment on peacebuilding.
  • Practical experience of engagement in conflict resolution internationally.
  • Experience in adaptive project management, safeguarding, gender mainstreaming and disability inclusion.
  • Understanding of the priorities and requirements of the SG’s International Development strategy.

B: Technical Expertise and Operational Capability (Weighting 20%)

  • Operational and governance capability to host a Peace Platform in Scotland including linkages with peace building stakeholders in Scotland and internationally.
  • Technical expertise in providing training in mediation, conflict resolution, reconciliation and constitution building.
  • Suitably qualified personnel/network of associates with experience in providing practical, hands-on support for conflict resolution.

C: Proposed Approach including Theory of Change/Logframe (Weighting 20%)

  • Proposed approach which will maximise value for money and impact as per the objectives of the programme, including

Strand 1:

  • approach to ensuring ownership of the Peace Platform by members
  • approach to leveraging opportunities for members to engage in collaborative peace-building activities.

Strand 2:

  • number of women to be trained, structure of the fellowship programme (number of days, online/in person, location), training topics.

D: Monitoring Evaluation & Learning (Weighting 20%)

Proposed approach to monitoring and evaluation to evidence the impact of the programme (both strands).

E: Quality Control and Oversight (Weighting 10%)

(Both Strands)

Capability in putting in place robust management, budgetary and financial control and governance arrangements, including quality assurance and exit strategy, and robust fraud and safeguarding policies and processes.

F. Risk Management (Weighting 10%)

(Both Strands)

Capability in identifying, assessing, and mitigation of risks throughout the lifecycle of the programme, including safeguarding and financial risks.

3. (Pass or Fail): Climate Obligation

G1. Agreement to delivering this grant in line with Scottish Minister’s sustainability objectives.

G2. Agreement to monitor emissions in your supply chain for the delivery of this grant, reducing unsustainable business travel undertaken to service the grant, disposal of electronic hardware/IT equipment and the use of renewably generated electricity where possible.

4. (Pass or Fail): Fair Work First

Provide statement verifying your Fair Work First commitment and confirmation this has been developed in agreement with the workforce.

5. Exit strategy

The outcomes of the Programme should be as sustainable as possible. We expect applicants to outline an exit strategy, which must include how the Peace Platform and Alumnae Networking elements of the Programme will be sustainable beyond the provision of direct funding.

6. Delivery & Harmonisation

We encourage the grant holder to consider good practice in delivery and expenditure of development funding.



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