
Scottish Peace Programme: request for proposals.

This is a request for proposals for a supplier to support the delivery of the Scottish Peace Programme, including establishment of a Scottish Peace Platform and the 1325 Women in Conflict Fellowships. The closing date for applications is 26 July 2024.

Annex G: Gender Mainstreaming Guidance

The link below is a guidance note on mainstreaming gender equality for applications and bids for Scottish Government funded international development projects and/or programmes. It is essential you consult this note before completing your application.

Link: Supporting documents - Mainstreaming gender equality in Scottish Government funded international development projects and programmes: guidance note - (

This document outlines guidance for mainstreaming gender equality into its international development funding. It includes three key sections:

1. Gender Analysis

2. Aims

3. Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

All applications and bids for SG ID projects and/or programmes will be scored against the minimum criteria aligned with the OECD DAC Gender Equality Policy Marker

The SG’s aim is to build more gender responsive (strengthens gender equality) or gender-transformative (changes gender-norms and power relations) ID programmes, therefore it is expected that all programmes and projects will score at least a 1.

This means all ID programmes must ensure that gender equality is an important and deliberate objective. It is important to note that a principal score is not by definition better than a significant score.



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