Scottish Peace Programme: request for proposals.

This is a request for proposals for a supplier to support the delivery of the Scottish Peace Programme, including establishment of a Scottish Peace Platform and the 1325 Women in Conflict Fellowships. The closing date for applications is 22 July 2024.

D. Theory of Change Statement

A complete theory of change, together with the agreement of a simple framework of outputs, outcomes and indicators (including incorporation of gender equality into these) will be finalised during the inception, and should take into account: the UN WPS Agenda; and the perspectives of participants and stakeholders involved at individual project level.

The application form will require completion of a simple and brief theory of change or logical framework (no more than 2 pages) to enable us to assess your broad approach to programme logic and gender mainstreaming (see our Guidance Note) and identification of assumptions. This should be accompanied by a narrative description of the approach which demonstrates how it will maximise impact and value for money.

An outline Theory of Change is provided in Annex A and can be used as a broad frame of reference for the development of a comprehensive results framework with indicators and targets to measure the impact of the programme, though applicants are encouraged to amend or expand on this as appropriate.



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