Scottish Peace Programme: request for proposals.

This is a request for proposals for a supplier to support the delivery of the Scottish Peace Programme, including establishment of a Scottish Peace Platform and the 1325 Women in Conflict Fellowships. The closing date for applications is 22 July 2024.

E. Programme Activities

Bidders are encouraged to propose activities for the programme that they consider will best meet the above objective, however some indicative activities are presented below:

E.1 Strand 1: Establish Peace Platform

Inception Period (c. 6 months):

  • Undertake a stakeholder mapping in Scotland and internationally to identify which organisations the programme will seek to engage with. With a focus on harnessing, supporting, or developing existing networks, this could include:
    • Representatives of Scottish academia, civil society and politics involved in conflict resolution and peace building activities who may wish to become members of the Peace Platform
    • Multilateral organisations involved in conflict resolution and peace building activities who the Peace Platform may seek to engage with
    • Past cohorts of participants in relevant SG funded programmes such as the 1325 Women in Conflict Fellowship programme[8], the Scottish Human Rights Defender Fellowship[9] and Europe and Central Asia Fellowship Programme.[10]
    • Organisations operating from local to national level in countries affected by conflict that the Peace Platform may seek to support.
  • Participatory design: The programme design will involve meaningful participation of a diverse range of stakeholders identified through the stakeholder mapping.
  • Workplan: Development of a workplan and MEL framework for the Peace Platform. This should include and be underpinned by a gender analysis, and contain at least one gender equality objective, backed by at least one gender equality indicator in line with Scottish government requirements for mainstreaming gender equality.
  • Governance structure: Establish a governance structure for the Peace Platform, leveraging, where possible, the existing governance capacity of the host organisation. Develop a terms of reference setting out roles and responsibilities of the host organisation and affiliated parties.

Implementation Period (to be confirmed based on TOR developed during the inception period)

  • Convene meetings and engagements for the Peace Platform.
  • Establish a brand identity and web presence independent of the host organisation which has shared ownership amongst its members.
  • Broker strategic partnerships between Scottish and international actors.
  • Facilitate knowledge exchange between members and other stakeholders.
  • Leverage synergies with strand 2 below[11], as well as Human Rights Defenders Fellowship programme[12] and Europe and Central Asia Fellowship Programme[13].
  • Strong Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning plan to routinely collect evidence of impact, share learning and adapt the programme approach, including mid-term review to inform contract break-point.

E.2 Strand 2: 1325 Women in Conflict Fellowships

Inception Period (c. 6 months):

  • Refine the structure of the programme in consultation with stakeholders developed under Strand 1 (1) above.
  • Develop a curriculum which could include lectures, interactive workshops, study and parliamentary tours and organisational visits.
  • Establish a brand identity and web presence, which recognises SG funding and link to the Peace Platform.

Implementation Period

  • Provide training on peace building to women from conflict affected regions per annum. As part of their application, bidders are encouraged to
    • Provide a compelling suggestion for the number of women to be trained which will provide value for money and optimise delivery both in terms of the level of capacity building achieved and the impact that the women will go on to deliver.
    • Present a training programme structure (number of days, location, online/in person, delivered in Scotland/overseas, thematic/geographically focused cohorts)
    • Describe how the activities will be interactive and practical, delivering respite, self-care and networking opportunities alongside enhanced knowledge and capacity for peace-building and conflict resolution.
    • Consider if and how translation facilities will be used.
    • Consider if accreditation can be offered for the Fellows
    • Consider how to maximise the impact of the Fellowship through Training of Trainer approaches, Action Plans and Project based outputs for the fellows to put their training into practice. (e.g. deliver workshops at home, produce an advocacy piece, conduct research).
    • Optimise synergies with the Peace Platform and other relevant SG funded activities, including past cohorts of the 1325 Fellowship programme, the Europe and Central Asia Fellowship Programme and the Scottish Government Human Rights Defenders Programme.
  • Establish and maintain an active Community of Practice for the Fellowship Alumni network including online activities, social media groups, shared resources.
  • Strong Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning plan to routinely collect evidence of impact, share learning and adapt the programme approach.

The Service Provider will be expected to present the final programme design documents to the SG for sign off ahead of progression to the implementation period. This will include:

  • a refined theory of change
  • a national and international stakeholder mapping,
  • an approach to identifying participants for the Fellowship programme,
  • a curriculum/curricula for the Fellowship programme,
  • a terms of reference for the Peace Platform,
  • MEL baselines at programme level, and
  • a detailed workplan for the first year.



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