
Scottish Planning Policy and housing: proposed policy amendments - consultation

This consultation paper sets out Scottish Ministers’ proposals to clarify specific parts of the Scottish Planning Policy that relate to planning for housing.

Why We are Consulting

3. The Scottish Government is committed to a plan-led planning system. This was comprehensively supported by a wide range of stakeholders through the review of the planning system. Development plans form the basis of planning decision-making to enable the right developments in the right locations.

4. The context for planning for housing in Scotland has changed significantly in recent months. The pandemic is having an impact on the ability of planning authorities to maintain the review cycle of local development plans within the timeframes they intended. We expect that more development plans will extend beyond five years in the coming months and are keen to support authorities in adapting to the current circumstances. The pandemic is also affecting delivery programmes and the rate of housing completions. This, coupled with revised plan timescales, has implications for the plan-led approach to development.

5. Furthermore, a recent decision by the Court of Session on an appeal by Gladman Developments Ltd raises a number of issues about the current wording of the policy that we now believe require clarification.



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