
Scottish Planning Series: Planning Circular 1 2011: Tree Preservation Orders

This Circular and attached annex set out Scottish Government Policy onTPOs and trees in conservation areas contained in the Town and Country Planning(Scotland) Act 1997, as amended by the Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006 and theTown and Country Planning


"The 1997 Act"

The Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 as amended by the 2006 Act

"the 2006 Act"

The Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006

"the 2010 Regulations"

The Town and Country Planning (Tree Preservation Order and Trees in Conservation Areas (Scotland) Regulations 2010 ( SSI 2010/434)


Unless otherwise stated, means a section of the 1997 Act as amended by the 2006 Act

" TPO"

Tree Preservation Order

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